OGs Check In

For those that don’t know me. I go by Ump. I joined this forum almost 15 years ago, when I was 12. I made a lot of great friends on this site, and some of my fondest memories were built on this forum. I was a shit head kid who posted a lot of ridiculous garbage. And it hurts me to go back and read some of the things I’ve posted haha.

I’m 27 now, have a 4 year old daughter, and I own and operate a successful business. I haven’t touched wow in probably 7-8 years and honestly don’t see myself ever playing again.

Would love to hear from a few OGs if anyone still lurks or is around. From my time at Blue Bloods, to Hamcake Land, to getting a dissed in a diss track, and to the F2P 20-24 era. I had a lot of fun banter and beef with some of you, and a lot of good times. Thanks TinkInfo <3
Hello Ump.
I feel the same way my friend.
Alot of my older Posts were so cringe.
But if I were to delete them, it would take away a part of me that no longer exists.
I feel like the older you get, the more cringe you find younger people.
And that is why old people don't talk too much.
Not because their tired.
But, because it's unnecessary.
I haven't played WoW since 2018, and I can't see myself coming back, and that's a good thing.
But I had a good time while it lasted.
And the F2P glory days were enough fun for me.
But I do like to come back to this Forum, from time to time, but I never Post anything, I just like to see what my old friends are up to, like old war comrades, I want to see if they are doing ok.
And every time someone from the F2P community quits, a part of me dies with them, as their memories of you will slowly start to fade, over time.
As we were all part of a niche experience, that noone else can really understand.
This Forum is like a Museum to me, that I like to visit in complete silence.
Anyway, who am I to ramble...
I just wanted to say, congratulations on your newfound life, family and success.
I hope it goes as smoothly as it can go.
And remember, after 10 years, every memory becomes nostalgic, whether it was a good or bad one, so just try to enjoy it in the moment.
Anyway, have a lovely day.
<3 xx.
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hey i'm still posting as dumb as i've ever been

/nah, my nascent idiocy was on fidonet, i was a seasoned idiot by the time i picked up wow
Doubt I qualify since I only dabbled in tinking compared to most. Had some awesome times in groups like <underground> on turalyon despite being a babby. Still lurk to peep armory threads or see what peeps are doing. Always cool to see a tight community that practically grew up together but glad for the people that moved on too.

Myrm #1 forever.
Someone call for a OG?

31, working retail, falling back in love with the free to play community. Damn shame most of the other folk I use to chat with aren't active anymore.
I don't really miss being a mod, but if I got there again that would be alright, though my views on this site are, unique to say the least. lol
Living in a sober house actually as well, going on 2 years sober from alcohol / drugs so, that's nice.
All and all I still love popping in from time to time, but I'm going to try to be hell'a active for now.
For those that don’t know me. I go by Ump. I joined this forum almost 15 years ago, when I was 12. I made a lot of great friends on this site, and some of my fondest memories were built on this forum. I was a shit head kid who posted a lot of ridiculous garbage. And it hurts me to go back and read some of the things I’ve posted haha.

I’m 27 now, have a 4 year old daughter, and I own and operate a successful business. I haven’t touched wow in probably 7-8 years and honestly don’t see myself ever playing again.

Would love to hear from a few OGs if anyone still lurks or is around. From my time at Blue Bloods, to Hamcake Land, to getting a dissed in a diss track, and to the F2P 20-24 era. I had a lot of fun banter and beef with some of you, and a lot of good times. Thanks TinkInfo <3
Ahh, the memories. Back in 2002-2006, I was a similar terror on forums. Particularly Pokemon and Yugioh forums, and some wrestling ones as well. It's quite entertaining to think back on that, and I wish some of those places still existed. Live and learn. While I don't count as an "OG" here, I've certainly been around for quite a while. And a scourge on the internet since the days of irc and early vB. :s
Someone call for a OG?

31, working retail, falling back in love with the free to play community. Damn shame most of the other folk I use to chat with aren't active anymore.
I don't really miss being a mod, but if I got there again that would be alright, though my views on this site are, unique to say the least. lol
Living in a sober house actually as well, going on 2 years sober from alcohol / drugs so, that's nice.
All and all I still love popping in from time to time, but I'm going to try to be hell'a active for now.
The OG of OG’s. We never communicated much, but I always thought of you as the voice of reason in this chaotic group

Glad to see you’re still around and doing well with sobriety man. That’s awesome! Best of luck with your sobriety and future endeavors. It’s nice hearing from a familiar face :)
The OG of OG’s. We never communicated much, but I always thought of you as the voice of reason in this chaotic group

Glad to see you’re still around and doing well with sobriety man. That’s awesome! Best of luck with your sobriety and future endeavors. It’s nice hearing from a familiar face :)

I have to agree that we never socialized a whole lot but, that doesn't mean we can't start.

Yeah - 2010 to 2022 is a huge blur, I don't miss getting lost in the sauce. I was useless to everyone if I am going to be honest.

Nice to reflect upon it every once and a while though. :)
Someone call for a OG?

31, working retail, falling back in love with the free to play community. Damn shame most of the other folk I use to chat with aren't active anymore.
I don't really miss being a mod, but if I got there again that would be alright, though my views on this site are, unique to say the least. lol
Living in a sober house actually as well, going on 2 years sober from alcohol / drugs so, that's nice.
All and all I still love popping in from time to time, but I'm going to try to be hell'a active for now.
You're one of my earliest memories of TI with the Wingblade vs Thiefs Blade thread.
You're one of my earliest memories of TI with the Wingblade vs Thiefs Blade thread.

Goodness, I completely forgot about that one. Oddly enough, I still have the damn Wingblade on my Vet Rogue. Shame it was forced to scale down.
Definitely, going to mog myself like an old school 19 rogue. Nothing beats nostalgia in my opinion.

I also remember someone saying (when battlegroups were divided) that they were a "OG" of the bracket.
Which prompted me to drop every twink armory I had from the 10 - 19 bracket and ending with. It was some Gnome Mage.
"I haven't heard of you, and you haven't heard of me, calm yourself. " or something like that LOL
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I check out the old BG forums sometimes to laugh at my cringe lord younger self. Always fun to see how much you've grown (or not). Fun fact, I've never removed anyone from Bnet so it's like a moratorium for people that quit playing/have been lost to the ages.
i just got into the forums of anything about 3 years ago, but i was playing vanilla when i was 7. used to be a part of the silent reign guild, had some fun endeavors. SL f2p got me back in, and been floating around in and out now since. still fun but i could never do endgame grinds anymore, too much time.

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