Official RUIN Twinking Tournament Thread

RUIN Twinking Tournament

Ok guys, Since posting the first Thread about the RUIN Twinking League I’ve had Pm’s of interest and offers to help set it up. We have decided that before we invest a massive amount of time into actually setting up an official League with 20+ Premading guilds participating, It would be a good idea for us to Hold a Miniature Tournament, in the same style that the league would be run, to first determine its level of success and popularity!

By That I mean, We will be collecting all data as we had planned to do in the official competition i.e –


A designated player e.g the GM/ officer of each guild participating in a premade will be required to take screenshots of the entire End of Game scoreboard and send them to me for feature on this offical Tournament Thread in the Screenshots Section.


From the various Screenshots of each scoreboard giving detailed information on how every player performed in the premade, we Will have a player statistics section that will be constantly updated after each game takes place. This will feature every single Twink entered in the competition and their various match statistics e.g Honor Kills, Dmg Done, Healing Done, Killing Blows, Caps , Returns and Deaths.

Tournament Scoreboard:

There will be a section in this offical Thread that Shows the Leader board in the tournament, showing the Scores of each team in their various premades, and their placing in the tournament ( Which will be updated as games are played Obviously)

Video Footage:

Just like an actual Professional sport, we will be attempting to post either the footage of every entire game, or the highlights of each game. To do this, each guild will need to choose a player on their premade team who will be designated to Frapsing the match and upload it to youtube or send me it via email so it can be featured in our Premade Tournament Video Section in this Official Thread.

“Player of the Game†& “Tournament MVPâ€

After each premade, a selection will be made for “ Player of the Game†by a combination of Suggestion from the GM’s of each guild and my viewing of the Statistics from the match i.e Who helped their team the most to achieve a win.

The Tournament MVP will be selected at the end of the Tournament, it will come down to who has the Most “Player of the Game “ Awards, and a vote will be cast after the final Premade that decides the MVP of the tournament
Tournament Rules

The Tournament itself ( For the Miniature Version) will be a knockout comp, e.g If your guild loses, you are knocked out of the competition and wont be able to participate until new tournament starts or we decide to make the actual League. The League itself will be a proper competition setup, with draws, semi-finals, finals, Grand finals and so on with no Knockouts.


There will be NO stalemates/ Ties, if a game ends at 1/1 it will be disregarded and replayed until one team wins, and the other is knocked out of the tournament.


Players are only allowed to register with ONE guild, even if you are playing in 2 guilds ( And both happen to be in the tournament) you must choose the guild/ twink you want to roll with, and stick with it.


Not showing up to a premade is considered a forfeit, and the team will be knocked out. ( Unless your reasoning can persuade my cold as ice heart otherwise )

4. AS this is a small tournament to determine the general interest in the idea and the difficulty in successfully managing this kind of thing. We will be accepting FOUR Alliance and FOUR Horde guilds, for the tournament. And it WILL be decided on FIRST IN BEST DRESSED concept, those guilds who post their applications here first, will be chosen for the tournament, and once the 8 Teams are chosen. Applications will close.
Game Rules:

1. Each Game MUST end in a win for it to be counted in the tournament, a draw will result in the need to replay until an outcome has been achieved.

2. NO exploiting. Of any kind will be tolerated, if you notice a player using an exploit in game, Take a screenshot as proof and send it to me. From there I will decide upon how to deal with it ( Most likely Disqualification of the exploiters Guild).

3. In Game Premade Rules :

- NO Apexix Shards/ Crystal Focus

- NO Halaani Whiskey ( 20 stam )

- NO Zandalaar Buff

- NO Rallying Cry of the DragonSlayer

- NO Fish Feasts

- NO Potions

No Outside Buffs/ Consumables that Are generally banned in normal Premading contests.


4. Nobody likes it when your a dick and emote spam, so just don’t do it 
Guild Application Form

Guild Name:

Guild Leader:

Players in your A-Team ( Necessary that its a final Draft for Scoreboard Purposes):











2-5 Backup Players ( should your A team not be able to make it ):






Please Repost this completed Application here in the official Thread.
Ok so Giddyup maybe interested, however I forsee a couple of challenges based on what's been posted. First the Screenshot & Scoreboard requirement, I think there is a good chance there maybe individual players that would afk out of games before either three caps or time runs out, there is also a question of disconnects that may impact a player being shown on the scoreboard. If the scoreboard has some determing factor on advancement in the tournament for GMVP and TMVP, how would you deal with this? Also in many cases the scoreboard statistics don't show specific class responsibilities or actions within the game that a player may have taken to have swung the game one way or another. The video requirement, what if a player that is recording or streaming begins to receive lag and has to close out the application because of impact on game play?

Also just in general I think the Game Rules need more definition, usually premades are played without fish feasts and all outside buffs (meaning nothing a level 19 wouldn't usually be able to get themselves aloung with the items you already listed). I think under Game Rules Number two and three also needs more clarification because at times this means different things to different people.

I personally really like the idea of a tournament, and hats off for working on organizing this, but if this is a rough draft some more details need to be defined and certain questions may need to be addressed.
hey, :) thanks for expressing the interest for Giddyup.

Yeah there is a few things that need cleaning up, and things will be more clear very shortly.

In regards to the Frapsing /lag issue, during the premade, it wont be necessary for BOTH teams to be frapsing, I think that it would be best if before the match somebody from the guild with a VERY good computer / internet setup would volunteer to film to avoid a lag problem.

The Screenshots of Scoreboards will be determining the choices of GMVP and TMVP but not entirely determined upon this, I will speak to each GM after the match and take suggestions for their GMVP and compare these with the screenies to make a decision. As well as the choosing of these awards, the screenshots will be used to update Each Individual Players overall tournament statistics, and if a certain player DOES DC and doesnt show up on the Scoreboard, then unfortunatley their statistics will not be updated for that match, which is an undesireable thing, but I see no way around this other than ensuring no Dc'ing / AFKing. I dont see AFK'ing out as going to be a problem in this tournament, if a player has registerd to be in a team that is playing in my tournament, and they begin to lose and decide AFK'ing out is the best way to deal with it, then Frankly they dont deserve to be in the Tournament.

I will try and clear up the Rules, Because yes. they are just a rough draft as of now, thankyou for pointing that out :)

Hope I have helped,
I actually think thats a very good idea. However adding a " Buy In" fee to the tournament at this early stage may deter people from actually even entering, because although Ive had a few guilds show interest, none have yet officially applied. Also, assuming all the guilds are from different servers, say we have 8 guilds participating, and each are from different servers, That would be an 8k Gold prize pool for the winning guild, but how would we get the gold to the winning Guild if we are on seperate servers? Isnt Cross Realm trading unable to be done even through Random Dungeons and what not?

If anyone knows a way around this, Let me know because that would be very nice, 50-100g each, leaving a lump some for the winning guild to divide at the end of the tournament.
Tiebreaker rule.

Instead of playing another match all over again. Just do sudden death. 1st team to cap in the 2nd game wins.

Tourney Fees

There shouldn't be any. However, I do agree in an incentive and based on interest I think it should be considered only if the tourney is successful and the league actually happens.

IE.. everyone on championship team gets a TCG tabard.. or w/e


If someone disconnects/afk's, yes it will affect the end game stats. I personally don't think it's vital in determining anything except for the fact that stats are meant to be looked at. MVP stuff will be determined by people who played and NOT by stats. The only stats that will recorded will be what is shown at the end of a match.


Perhaps a two week time frame will be more than enough time to get 8 teams. IMO if you can get more then add more, BUT ONLY ADD MORE TEAMS EVENLY. i.e. If a Horde guild wants to join but there are already 8 teams, there needs to be an Alliance guild that wants to join before accepting that Horde guild.

Ground Rules

No outside buffs. I think everyone can agree with that and if other team can provide proof (Screen Shot) of other team using outside buff, it calls for immediate disqualification.

Perhaps it should be more like arena rules. If you can't use it in arena then you can't use it all. (food would be difficult to enforce though, so idk)

that's all I have for now.
One other thing to consider. If this is single elimination and say in round one all the Alliance guilds win their matches how would you determine the winner of the tourney since for round two as the Alliance guilds wouldn't have anyone to play against?

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