I can run disc priest on bleeding hollow horde if you need a spot.
Livingforce-Bleeding Hollow- Disc Priest
Livingforce-Bleeding Hollow- Disc Priest
For once, I can agree with Nastay. All this buildup for something that 'might not even happen or be shit.' Your words, not mine.
All the prospects of a huge waste of time
Tapatalked from my PACMAN 4.4.4 Note II
AlbinoCow said:Well, the numbers are just that,numbers. If we cannot field 2 teams following the rules impletmented to create balanced games, then that may very well happen. We are missing a few spots. Get your friends notified about the premade and see if they can come... I can think of atleast 15 other old 29s who have played in wod who are not signed up... I can't magically create balanced games with barely 20 ppl who play limited classes on limited factions. But don't see how it could be a huge waste of time at all, it took u what, 10 seconds to sign up for this?. I want this to premade to happen more than anyone, and it surely can, but a disclaimer that because of low signup numbers the game may be unbalanced or not occur is surely warranted
Well, if you hadn't reported my original post in this thread, the one giving you some insight into getting successful wargame activity, maybe the task wouldn't require 'magic' as you're suggesting it does. Start small, work up to something bigger (if that's what you really want). We've been dealing with these issues for years, it's probably not very wise to ignore our feedback and suggestions.
Trying for balanced, competitive, and fun games is a learning/growing process. Not something you throw together over the course of a week and call it good.
Horde Team looks staaaacked, gg alliance!