Official 29 10v10 WSG Signup


Vaco Del Blanco
Signup for a 10v10 29 wsg wargame, the date is 1/11 at 8 P.M. EST. Please have SKYPE for these premades. Multiple games will be played throughout the night until we lose enough ppl to stop.To sign up use the following format:

Character name - Realm - Faction - Spec
Which of the 3 potential days you are able to attend, multiple if possible.
* (leave a star if u are confident in leading / TCing a team


No drama or derailing this thread please, sign up or post any questions about the wargames u may have.
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neckbeardwin-Sargeras-Alliance-Restoshaman (full stam set but have a healing/nonFC set as well :p )
getshrektbro-sargeras- Alliance - ret pally :D
Kushlordxd - Bleedinghollow - Horde - Disc/shadow (disc pref)*

Will be fully geared in the upcoming days.
Nastaygurl - Windrunner - Horde - Frost
Dribblin - Laughing Skull - Alliance - Frost

I can only play 1/10 & 11 in the timeframe you listed.
Daddybestus-Druid-Every Spec-Horde-Bleeding Hollow
Ðaddy-Priest-Shadow/Disc-Horde-Bleeding Hollow
Signing Up for a Friend - Skeezin -
Dunkgodx-Monk-Brewmaster-Horde-Bleeding Hollow
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Ebolaswag-lock-demo/afflic-Horde-Bleeding Hollow

all the days work
I can play alliance (rsham/enhance/WWmonk/MWmonk/Spirest/warlock).
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Wizeguy - Arthas - Horde - Resto Shaman. I can be there every night. Lots of experience team leading but it's quite dated (it's been years since I co-led a top twink guild, just returned from long break, etc.) so not sure I'm best source of current strategies.

Will also have
Spamwitch - Arthas - Horde - Affl Lock. Have to verify nights/times with him but I'm sure he'll play. will check with rest of guildies then update post.
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or somoist-ret-pally-alliance-earthen-ring
have you on btag so just hit me up albino! Hoping this all works out!
Huntard I can TC if needed.*****

Grízy-Argent Dawn-Alli-Surv/MM/BM

All days
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