off-hand for ambush rogue

heya, i been making a rogue and going for ambush specc. what offhand should i get, and what enchant?

got shadowblade, and attemt to use it as mainhand with +7 wep dmg (or should i?)
Well, some people use Scouts thingy(wsg one) with 20 agi, but since I rock 69%+ crit chance with ambush, and about 49% with backstab I feel that I have enough crit, and can spare the agi, and go for full attackpower. If you feel likewise the best option would be:[item]Enchanted Azsharite Felbane Dagger[/item] with 65 ap(wotlk ench) on it. Great dps boost. I btw just lvled my 49 rogue. 50 now :) Going 70 twink. Full on twinks, and this was the char who ment the least to me. But it was great fun playing him, don't get me wrong.

For the highest burst dmg(desired for ambush) I went with [ITEM]Widowmaker[/ITEM] with 7 wepdmg as mh
yea for horde the felbane with 65AP is the best. for alliance wsg dagger with 20 agil gives the best AP boost overall. for MH widowmaker > gut ripper > shadowblade, +7 damage for highest burst.
ok, sounds good :)

then next question; what weps should i go for with combat specc?

got a [item]Bloodrazor[/item] getting mongoose on it i guess
If you insist on speccing combat get Thrash Blade in your MH with Mongoose and could try a Flurry Axe for lol procs. I would recommend going Hemo though and run with Thrash Blade and I think I ran with WSG dagger in Offhand with 20Agi. Worked well for me at least...

SpikeTheSilent said:
ok, sounds good :)

then next question; what weps should i go for with combat specc?

got a [item]Bloodrazor[/item] getting mongoose on it i guess

if you insist on going combat do thrash blade MH w/ mongoose and flurry axe w/ 20agil for crazy procs. or use doomforged straightedge +20 agi to boost AP while still benefiting from hack&slash. wsg dagger is also good (and free), but doesnt benefit from the hack&slash talent, it also has less over all AP then the straightedge, but provides more agil (crit) and has 5 sta if you really need hp.

combat can be fun, and interesting - to not play cookie cutter hemo. but you'll most likely do better as hemo with the thrash blade MH (and then choose btwn wsg dagger or straightedge in OH)
The felblade is horde only is it not? Best offhand imo..

alliance weapon choices imho..

Combat; I like bloodrazor here but I'd like to try Thrash / Flurry Axe combo.

Hemo; Ribsplitter, doomforged straightedge.

Ambush; Widowmaker, doomforged straightedge.
Alkaholic said:
Widowmaker mainhand, EAFD offhand w/ 65 ap enchant. My toon Boobies has it.

Wtf, I just wrote that 1 post earlier? Stop trying to take credit, when it is taken :p
I´d like to thank you all for the answers :)

think I´ll just try some different combos out, see what will fit me the most

over and out! thx for listening :D
EAFD with Berserking or 65 AP.

With 65 AP switch to it and switch out after the ambush.

With Berserking save your Vanish for the proc -> Vanish -> LOLKILLINGBLOW.
one last question about [item]Enchanted Azsharite Felbane Dagger[/item]

if i finish the whole questline, killing the defiler that is, the dagger wont be destroyed in the process or something? just good to know :)
SpikeTheSilent said:
one last question about [item]Enchanted Azsharite Felbane Dagger[/item]

if i finish the whole questline, killing the defiler that is, the dagger wont be destroyed in the process or something? just good to know :)

Nope, and you get 2 very unique trinkets and a cool bag.

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