Off Hand | AB or TB


What's the best offhand?

Assassin's Blade


Thief's Blade

I'd go for thief's blade, mainly because it's that much cheaper. It didn't drop for me, so right now I'm using heirloom heartseeker, and that works for me.
Obscure said:
I'd go for thief's blade, mainly because it's that much cheaper. It didn't drop for me, so right now I'm using heirloom heartseeker, and that works for me.

I already have both. not so sure, they have the same +AP...thief's blade would give a small amount more crit/dodge, but AB has 1.1 more dps which is quite a bit for a 19 wep
if u have both, i would use either BoA Heartseeker or AB as ur normal offhand and i would save thief's blade for rogue duels
Tetox said: not so sure, they have the same +AP...thief's blade would give a small amount more crit/dodge, but AB has 1.1 more dps which is quite a bit for a 19 wep

By losing 3 agility comparatively, you lose .41% crit chance. That crit chance affects your yellow attacks, your MH attacks, and your OH attacks.

The +1.1 DPS on AB only helps your offhand attacks, and due to the offhand penalty, that DPS is halved, so it is effectively .55 DPS. Subtract out the DPS loss from the crit chance loss, and your left with a very SMALL GAIN in damage with a very SMALL LOSS in survivability (lost dodge and 6 armor) and a very LARGE LOSS of gold.

Assassins Blade, Thief's Blade, and Wingblade are all very similar options, but two of them are free. With the changes to pushback, a fast offhand isn't even as big of an advantage anymore, and one could make an arguement for the Cruel Barb. Balanced Heartseeker destroys them all for damage comparisons.

The big advatage of the Assassin's blade is as a MH weapon for a dagger rogue that ambushes and backstabs.
Offhand is all about stats, not speed. 12ap is nothing so mess around with. How often do you HONESTLY attack with your offhand?

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