Oceanic Twnks


Im on Jubei"Thos server oceanic and wondering what times australian are best times to que to get xp offs bg's with the US players

Also any twinks on Jubei"thos around?
Seems like WSG pops pretty steadily weekday evenings from 8pm to sometimes as late as 3am, US Eastern time. Saturdays are weird; Sundays, after 5pm Eastern.

I get plenty of 20-30 minute queues; but, last few weeks there have been a lot of 10-minute pops.
Playing from NZ on weekdays I can usually get games from anywhere between lunch time and 10pm, so I'd say about 10am-8pm for Aus maybe. Not 100% sure on when queues start popping but they almost always finish around 10.
Kiwifruit said:
Playing from NZ on weekdays I can usually get games from anywhere between lunch time and 10pm, so I'd say about 10am-8pm for Aus maybe. Not 100% sure on when queues start popping but they almost always finish around 10.

Im in Aus, and yeah I agree with this.
Games usually start at 10 am thenstop some time between 9 and midnight (rarely go this long)
Im on an Oceanic realm - (Aust) and i can never get any to pop. The queue time is always at "Not avaliable". Worst than that is the Phantom Queue, the Phantom queue is that 30min one that never pops no matter how long your in it. Anyone got anymore tips?
Yeah, I cannot que during the day to get with the US times, Always got stuff on. I can really only que sundays and most of the day ill be doing something else, Im always on from 6-12 aus time but never get pops then so its boring.

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