>(O_O)> WRATH!!! ===O <(*_*)> Noo! Jimmy nooo!

The ability where i get a 30 energy ambush on every garotte tick, so it's inline with overpowers on rend ticks...
elesian said:
The ability where i get a 30 energy ambush on every garotte tick, so it's inline with overpowers on rend ticks...

Why should you get 30 energy on a Garotte tick? Overpower (at this level anyway) still has a 5 second cooldown and Taste for Blood has a 6 second cooldown built into it...

That was an exaggeration, it just seems that rogues, and i quote, "the primary dps class", are falling behind all melee classes in dps. This includes 80 pve, and 80 pvp, and all brackets apart from maybe 19. We need buffing now, it is getting ridiculous. I do feel we should have some reduced abillity when a DOT is up - something in line with 100% overpowers on rend ticks. Rogues are being pushed out of end game pve, 1700+ 2v2, infact the only place we have are in 3v3's as CC control. The 39 changes are really hurting us more than any other class, proportional to our loss of HP. That's BEFORE other class dps gets buffed. You must see i have a point.
elesian said:
That was an exaggeration, it just seems that rogues, and i quote, "the primary dps class", are falling behind all melee classes in dps. This includes 80 pve, and 80 pvp, and all brackets apart from maybe 19. We need buffing now, it is getting ridiculous. I do feel we should have some reduced abillity when a DOT is up - something in line with 100% overpowers on rend ticks. Rogues are being pushed out of end game pve, 1700+ 2v2, infact the only place we have are in 3v3's as CC control. The 39 changes are really hurting us more than any other class, proportional to our loss of HP. That's BEFORE other class dps gets buffed. You must see i have a point.

The best rogues in my battlegroup are still capable of whooping my lock's butt simply because even with all my migration and survivability I just can't put out the damage required in the time I'm not a ) stunned or b ) locked out of my shadow school through kick. My 2 shadow dots are pretty pathetic.

If I blow all cooldowns (double VW sacrifice) and healthstone (darn wound poison :() then it is possible for me to have about a 50/50 chance of winning but this requires getting at least 2 fears off.

Against Undeads... well I'm pretty much fucked... I should invest in an AGM and Tidal Charm I guess - still I don't like having to blow absolute everything to defeat one rogue!

Then again... a rogue doesn't like blowing his trinket to blind you to counter your seduction. Jealiz is still sporting something like 2100 hp and 300sp on my server, generally she takes me down to 50% hp - and that's with us both blowing lifebloom. Recently i've been stocking up on shadow resistance, combinding priest resistance, motw, pally aura, ring and cloak i have upwards of 35% resistance, which is just godly!
elesian said:
Then again... a rogue doesn't like blowing his trinket to blind you to counter your seduction. Jealiz is still sporting something like 2100 hp and 300sp on my server, generally she takes me down to 50% hp - and that's with us both blowing lifebloom. Recently i've been stocking up on shadow resistance, combinding priest resistance, motw, pally aura, ring and cloak i have upwards of 35% resistance, which is just godly!

Just so you know, pala aura, priest buff and MotW don't stack :p Sorry bud!

elesian said:
I had some doubts as to whether pally and priest stacked, but MotW as well? You sure?

All count as a magic buff to resistance and thus don't stack. If I have MotW on me and also my Shadow Aura my resistances are 5/5/5/5/45 (should be 30 but I have shadow reistance to cloak which does stack and gives 15 extra resist).

With Fire Aura it's 5/5/30/5/20 etc on the resistances. Always takes the most powerful resist spell first (and rightly so of course!) As you can see it's per school though not a flat spread.

elesian said:
That was an exaggeration, it just seems that rogues, and i quote, "the primary dps class", are falling behind all melee classes in dps. This includes 80 pve, and 80 pvp, and all brackets apart from maybe 19. We need buffing now, it is getting ridiculous. I do feel we should have some reduced abillity when a DOT is up - something in line with 100% overpowers on rend ticks. Rogues are being pushed out of end game pve, 1700+ 2v2, infact the only place we have are in 3v3's as CC control. The 39 changes are really hurting us more than any other class, proportional to our loss of HP. That's BEFORE other class dps gets buffed. You must see i have a point.

from my (a flag carrier's) standpoint, pre-3.1 i thought smart 39 rogues were the most overpowered class. but fortunately most rogues don't know how to use CDs properly. post-3.1 ret paladins have taken the position as most OP but rogues are still a big threat.

post-3.1 i have played on a 29 ambush rogue with no enchants and loved it. it's not bad at all.

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