Now is the time to start dusting off your 39s!!!


Twink Cup is finishing pretty soon here, approximately 3 weeks. As soon as it is over there is going to be a lot of discussion between 39 community leaders, 2v2 3v3 5v5 tournaments and guild v guild wargames are going to be planned on almost a weekly basis.
Guilds that have started to make 39s so far are:-

<Aphex> Frostmourne -Alliance
<Unique Item Addiction> Arthas-Horde
<Free to Prey> Thrall -Horde
<Fried Chicken> Undermine -Alliance
<GG twinks> Bleeding Hollow -Horde

Anyone interested in making a 39 feel free to contact the respective guild leaders on their recruitment post to talk specifics about recruitment and possible funding, as for <Free to Prey> we are currently funding 39s. Feel free to PST for more info baje007#1292
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why is this US ;_;
I have started letting some old timers know about after TC. This whole 39 thing just might work out.
Just came back to the game, would love a chance to play my old 39's. ill keep an eye on the thread.

both are alliance.
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we "Unique Item Addiction" currently has around 5-7 39s that can be active at any time. So with that said we should schedule a day for solo que arenas or maybe even a btag premade?
We had so really good activity last night. Had a lot of fun. Was able to play about 15 arena games before I had to logout. Keep it going guys.
Well I'm a little dated (BC twink), but I'll definitely tune em up for a revival !!

Lökì - Bonechewer
39 Orc Arms Warrior
Lökì @ Bonechewer - Community - World of Warcraft

Yeah most of ur gear is useless now, cept ur a lucky guy for having that axe. sucks blizz reduced its weapon speed slightly. Not sure if the pacifier is good now cuz its still at 4 weapon speed. Would be interesting for a fury war i think having two of those.

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