not happy


so today i got on my level 15 rouge to do some wsg and there were two twinks on the other team Covv and Noobaholic and they completely ruined the game. at 19 there are pops now so please don't go and ruin other peoples games its no fun to be raped by a hunter and pally before you even cross mid. i honestly wouldn't care if we had twinks on our side to balance out but seriously now i know why people hate twinks so if you want to call some one a bracket killer its them heres their armorys:

Covv @ Terenas - Game - World of Warcraft

sorry if it doesn't have much to do with 19 twinks but its kinda annoying
To use the same arguement we used throughout BC, if you're gonna PvP come prepared. I still see twinks in XP on bg while fooling around on leveling toons, there's nothing inherently wrong with it imo and if I go into a BG untwinked I should accept the possibility the same way I accept the possibility of being outcomped every time I pug.
Wait, there are twinks who turn their XP on so they can stomp lvling toons? Oh wow... and a hunter as well in this case. I guess the class was still not easy enough for him to face other twinks.

It's a bit like ganking lowlvls on an 85 I guess - no challenge, you know the outcome. How the fuck is that even fun.

Those people really need to die in a fire.


@ OP: I must add that this post is a bit ironic though. Playing a hunter yourself, you should know that even in the twink bracket, the experience you described is pretty much the same when facing hunters.
well yes i play a hunter and yes they are OP but honestly do they even need to be in a XP on game?
those guys were obviously kill farming

thanks to BOA's even XP-on BGs have levelers who are twinked/enchanted, soon even worse when BOA helms start appearing. head, shoulders, cloaks, chest, weapons, trinkets that trounce what the new player leveler would ever have. Blizz fixed nothing made the problem worse. there are players who roll what i called "floating" twinks. they roll into BGs at 10, pretty well till they decide to delete and restart.
Get used to it. It's always happened, and it will never stop.
shanker said:
those guys were obviously kill farming

thanks to BOA's even XP-on BGs have levelers who are twinked/enchanted, soon even worse when BOA helms start appearing. head, shoulders, cloaks, chest, weapons, trinkets that trounce what the new player leveler would ever have. Blizz fixed nothing made the problem worse. there are players who roll what i called "floating" twinks. they roll into BGs at 10, pretty well till they decide to delete and restart.

I've never heard the term floating twinks, I guess floating twinks would take slightly more work than, "paper twinks" a term used for the ones that simply just use enchanted white items + BOA's. they never need to complete a quest and they never need to buy enchants. They have slightly less stats because they would only be able to use white items for the non-BOA slots. I guess you could force yourself to run dungeons for new legs everytime because this would be the weakest slot. I might make a few "paper" sets just to see what they look like.
Feel for those when, there wasn't any separate BG's for those who wished to turn off their experience. And twinks who which ruled the world with 2000 health and crazy damage.

I don't see the need to QQ about it on these forums. Now put on some tough skin and beat those bullying twinks!
Your argument is moot, as this is the argument that has been used against twinks from the beginning.

For me it comes down to...

I have boas. I'm leveling a toon. I enjoy pvp'ing. Pvp gives experience.

I'm not going to take off my boas to level.

BTW, in regards to paper twinks (at least enchanting white gear) I have white gear enchanted for whenever I want to make a new toon/ get someone into wow or have them transfer to my server.
ninedash said:
BTW, in regards to paper twinks (at least enchanting white gear) I have white gear enchanted for whenever I want to make a new toon/ get someone into wow or have them transfer to my server.

Me too. Were quite handy before BoA's came in
Thing is, WoW players are a bunch of whining carebears.

They should come and play EVE, where you can gank newbies anywhere. Also, when someone kills you in EVE, they can loot/salvage your ship and take your equipment, while you have to go out and buy a new ship and refit it.

And when people complain about this being 'unfair', the players, GMs and developers will tell them to HARDEN THE FUCK UP.

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