North American 69 twink post 3.2

Level 69 Twink Ventrilo Summit 2009

Sunday, August 16th - 2009

5:30pm PST - 8:30pm EST

About: Open invitation to all active level 69 twinks wanting to discuss the very real possibility of a Battle Group consolidation.

Topics: We will hear from many long time 69 twinks both Horde and Alliance in regards to the pro's and con's of the new 3.2 patch. There is more than enough threads on these forums for you to come to some conclusion as to how you may feel about our situation and/or in regards to coming together and transferring and/or re rolling onto one game wide appointed and decided battle group for the benefit of our community.

Anyone who wants to be informed about the future of 69 twinks should attend. The more pro active we remain the better off our community has a chance to getting back to normal. I hope many of you who have been vocal on these forums attend. Wow Forum site admins are more than welcome to attend as well. (eavesdrop)

Vent Name: Bracket 69

Vent IP:

Vent Space: 50 man w/ option to open more slots depending on how many attend.

Port Number & Channel password will be posted by me in a reply to this thread Sunday morning, August 16th - 2009

*Conditions: Please respect all those attending as this is a chance for all level 69's to have their say in a more productive environment. There will be a strict request in, "Leave all ego's at the door" policy, save it for these forums.

Please understand that many players are currently frustrated and unhappy about the whole situation, so in hopes that we may come together and find some positive solutions, I personally request that all attending 69's stick around for the entire duration of this Sunday's summit.

Note to all level 69 twink guild leaders, for the sake of Ventrilo space, having yourself or, yourself +1 is all that is required.

Please enter Ventrilo with your level 69 character's name and the name of your realm and battlegroup inside of your comments.



The summit channel will allow you to record the entire discussion through Ventrilo's recording options as it will be available for use during the summit. The summit may be lengthy, so please be patient so that all players have a chance to say their piece.



The original thread below.

clickety click & I hope to hear from some of you this Sunday


This is a great idea and I will hopefully be attending.
I have already transferred my DK twink to Reckoning (Frostmane) but anyway, I'll be attending. Unfortunately I haven't been able to post at all on the WoW forums as my account is permanently banned from the WoW forums, but I have been keeping up with everything. :(

Anyway, you've done a good job pushing for people to congregate onto 1 battlegroup imo, and I do feel it is necessary.
I won't able to make the vent meet, but I'd appreciate an update on any decisions made.

69's are currently a dead bracket :/
Ventrilo name: Bracket 69

Ventrilo IP:

Port: 5091

**Conditions on attendance & How to avoid being removed from Ventrilo**

- All attendees MUST log in with their level 69 name, realm and current battle group to remain in the summit.

- All attendees MUST must be aware Vent admins will not mute, kick, ban players for minor reasons and that all players should avoid being overly aggressive towards those who trying to speak and are making their points heard.

- All attendees are simply guests, act accordingly.

- Players with loud, broken and/or mics that carry extensive feedback might be muted on the call of a Vent Admin if player can not fix the problem.

- Show respect, receive respect..........pretty simple.

- Female players, always get to speak when they want. ;)

- You may start recording when you like, and we recommend that all attendees do, if for any other reason than to go back to for future reference in regards to our community on forum

topics/discussions...we don't need any hear/say or half assed rumors, just the facts.

- This summit is for all level 69 's, not just a few....with that in mind. Channel Password: iam69


Xq aka Lxq

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