Noobie xpoff questions(lvl 85)


I've never actually turned off xp and twinked out a char in WoW yet so this will be a first time.
I know some of this has prolly been answered over time so I apologize. Should be said I am planning on twinking a lvl 85 character.
First part that confuses me some is at which point is it ilvl > stats > sockets etc? (not necessarily in that order).
I am quite familiar with the old cata content as I spent the most of my play time in that xpac. I know theres good gems, chants, consumable options. That being said I notice many ppl with links to their 85s are in a mix of ilvl 112(DS) and even lower gear. After checking gear options theres a lot of ilvl 121 gear available. Biggest difference I am seeing is much of the 121 only has 1 socket vs 112 having 2 sockets. Is that enough to make it better over 9 ilvls? Or is more being selective about secondary stats?
Second question is pertaining to DS weapons, will the special procs found on the tenticle sword, dd axe, trinkets, etc work in BGs(even if nerfed will they still proc at all?) or just open world?
Lastly, what are the best consumables? I had seen a post here saying something about a vers + resil pots or such?

Much thanks in advance this is all pretty new to me!
Everything works if at the correct level, once at at certain level somethings can start to degrade(for example i believe 85 stuff works until 89 or if scaled down to 60). Sockets usually beat other gear, but its best to make sure the total stat+stat(generally primary + secondary or primary + primary) gems is more than what the item will give, and item enhancements are very powerful if allotted correctly generally will primary stats or a lot of secondary stats. Yeah, you wont get queues normally with xp-off as they are separated between levelers and non-levelers. You can however join games and leave before the end, but that only works so well as you gain passive xp. You can also do Veterans at 20 without sub or legion capped accounts at 110(look more into these options if you want to go that route). Lastly, there is party syncing, which is using a low toon with a high toon to scale the high toon into a lower bracket with mostly disabled gear, but enabled consumables and heirlooms, which is pretty popular in the 119 bracket right now(look into this more as well if you wish to go this route). The current Korrak event bg has the unique opportunity for the 2 months it is up to allow XP-OFF to queue with other XP-OFF and 120s, since there are a ton of 120s you get queues, but it has appeared you do not queue with levelers still unless you are below 120 and have xp-on(this is however not completely sure as there have been some 120 exceptions in the event bg with xp-on, but I have an idea as to why its this way but for another time).

This is a big paragraph, but it gives sorta brief summary on the way its going right now, and we still kinda don't know how Shadowlands level squish is gonna effect everything.

No, as far as we know the exploit does not work, it seems to be fully patched using all the convenient methods(I saw you viewing the thread so just a notification!)
[doublepost=1573456757,1573456520][/doublepost]Just a clarification, the gear itself always works, but trinkets and special effects may not after a certain point, and some items have just plain out broken so its good to test. Gurthalak a really strong weapon does work at least until a certain point.
Good info thanks.
I didn't know they had changed brackets for xp off vs levelers until now so was curious if there was any options which appears not. Question about the party sync, if synced with a lower level with xp on will it put me in the que bracket for the normal bgs then? If so even with gear scaled down etc will the gems and chants still have some effect or just out right disabled?
What if a higher level with xp enabled joins and party syncs does it keep us in xp off or normal bracket?

You keep in a normal bracket, but everything but heirlooms and consumables are disabled even enhancements and gems(including on heirlooms sadly), your low level doesn't actually need to join the bg just the main character. DHs and DKs are considered one of the best for this cause they keep most of their abilities even in low levels, but you still need to play well as them. 119 has the best template well above average for the bracket in terms of strength, which is why most 120s scale into the 119 bracket(unless they changed it recently). Even with xp-off into korrak event bg, you get bgs really fast with the 120s and few xp-off characters queuing, so its a viable option but 120s are tough with azerite gear(and potentially low gear if they put it on too) so your character needs to be top tier too, but most XP-OFF left seem to be queuing for it and seems to be ok, sadly however it only lasts two months. You could also try experimenting with quick gearing twinks for the bracket, but you do gain some passive exp and get little exp from guards and a bit from mobs and towers, and you definitely dont want to be around for a win or loss. Its only 2 months, if it becomes more permanent it may be more viable, otherwise I would recommend just stick with the permanent options and try out the event with xp-off and xp-on to see how it fairs for you.
[doublepost=1573457838,1573457472][/doublepost]For party sync all group members must have xp-on to get into xp-on queues, just clarifying.
[doublepost=1573458324][/doublepost]just another clarification a lot of information is old and outdated, the best a lot of times got patched or nerfed or disabled, while versatility is still great, I believe I remember the resilience got heavily nerfed to probably not be worth it a long time ago. and generally since the primary stat 1 hour potion elixirs or flasks stay through most things, that is usually mostly worth it. Potions however greatly very a lot on what they do, so its best to check on what works best for each situation.

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