Daltert Moropi
How can u ppl forget hü the hot grill lock smh
this list is just a cata/mop f2p list with some vets added why doesnt anyone see how retarded this list is and honestly light took my candidates
Maybe because many of the level 20 players are and/or have been f2p at some point?
that doesnt explain the fact you look at all the best of polls ive made so far then you look at a class that i havent made a poll of and its nearly empty has like 3 players on it
Woot, top 6 druids!
that doesnt explain the fact you look at all the best of polls ive made so far then you look at a class that i havent made a poll of and its nearly empty has like 3 players on it
I'm pretty sure the reason some classes have less players in them is because those classes aren't played as much in 20-29 such as warlock or mage. The reason for having people from your poll also on it is because the players you listed are still great players. Its not like once you make a best of list with certain players no one else can use those players in another list.
I wonder how many people on these lists could actually break 2200 or clear a realm first.