no xp from battleground??

made a lvl 10war, took him to WSG (at lvl 10 you can't Q random, only specific), won WSG no caps, bunch of returns and got no XP? Based on one forum post this was a bug that was supposed to be fixed in 6.1. Anyone else have info on this? sorry if this is known... just came back after a hiatus
Is is known and I would say probably intended as why would blizzard reward you with XP for not achieving the objective of the BG which is to capture the flag.
Win= XP
Tie= No XP
Lose=No xp
Is is known and I would say probably intended as why would blizzard reward you with XP for not achieving the objective of the BG which is to capture the flag.
Win= XP
Tie= No XP
Lose=No xp

you can still get exp from loses or ties, you get exp when your team caps flags.
I'm pretty sure you get exp from a tie, and when queuing random you get exp no matter what.
yeh, not sure, only ran a few bgs and did not notice until the last one i was not getting xp. But the last one we did WIN and when the bg closed no change in xp. I will pay closer attention this evening.
yeh, not sure, only ran a few bgs and did not notice until the last one i was not getting xp. But the last one we did WIN and when the bg closed no change in xp. I will pay closer attention this evening.

Xp is rewarded when you CAP. So even if you leave games early or dc, you have earned your xp as intended. :)
As Wazig noted, XP is granted when you cap. You may even be granted xp on HKs, although it is a small amount. This is why it is not wise at lower levels to BG to level if your intention is to level quickly. It is also the reason ( low xp gains) why many people have started making toons and quickly leveling them to level 10 getting into BGs with fully enchanted and full heirlooms and farming levelers. And as soon as they get to 19 or 20 just start all over again. These people consider themselves twinks because they have enchanted gear. Unfortunately, this lengthens our queue times as it takes them out of our pool.

As Wazig noted, XP is granted when you cap. You may even be granted xp on HKs, although it is a small amount. This is why it is not wise at lower levels to BG to level if your intention is to level quickly. It is also the reason ( low xp gains) why many people have started making toons and quickly leveling them to level 10 getting into BGs with fully enchanted and full heirlooms and farming levelers. And as soon as they get to 19 or 20 just start all over again. These people consider themselves twinks because they have enchanted gear. Unfortunately, this lengthens our queue times as it takes them out of our pool.


also probably the easiest way to get bloodthirsty
Used to be able to farm the hell out of Horde bots at the of MoP in IoC. They were so predictable. Attack anything that moved or cast and run right by you if stood still. Could get up to 500 HKs every 20 mins or so and did not feel bad about it because you were farming honor/gold on bots.


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