no respect for fails

Alliance afk out because most of the time it will be WT premade. Alliance will have maybe have 5 players that can actually put up a fight against WT members and the rest are players that are >1000hp. They leave because even if they stay they will lose.

I know you can say "If they stay they might actually win." But, alliance cap one against WT, after that WT completely dominate the game and cap 3 flags very fast.

There is no fun in getting steamrolled....and as stated above. One person afk's out and then its starts a chain reaction

Just get the first cap on WT, you know they will afk.
-why are there achievements like "come back from a ___ deficiency"?; because its something you should be trying to do, and is completely possible.

Blizzard is quite moronic so I wouldn't put too much emphasis on the achievements they came up with to have any correlation to what you're actually supposed to be doing...They do idiotic things all the time..I mean just look at gy locations in warsong
I dont play 19s anymore; but im pretty sure playing a priest or hunter means your playing 2 of the strongest classes running atm. ofc its fun and you wont need to afk because your racking up those kills (which is the aim of the game RIGHT ON!!!); but maybe for other classes it gets boring so time to say LOLPEACEOUT.

just saying.

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