Newcomer's greetings and questions


Hey all!

Just found myself here by one kind paladin's advice which was a good thing considering I haven't been doing too good in 19 WSG.
Now, thanks to the guides I seem to be on a right track gearing this twink, although there's lots of work left to be done and some things I have trouble handling.

First - the dreaded Arena Grand Master. If there is any thread full of useful advice getting one - I missed it, and even so, it seems to be hunted a lot of people on Defias EU, since after over a dozen attempts I couldn't even touch the chest without getting instantly killed :( Perhaps someone would be willing to lend a hand?

Second, are there any twink guilds/groups on Defias EU, or perhaps some solitary people with same interests?

Third, if anyone on Defias can offer some reasonably-priced enchanting materials/services, I'll be happy to hear from you :)

If anyone has any advice or would like to chat in-game, PM me for RealID or just add Wìlliam if you're on my realm!

Thanks kindly!
Hey William! welcome to twinkinfo xD

First of all I don't have any toons on Defias but having soloed 2 AGMs on a relatively high pop server on my paladin I can give you some advice (common sense mainly) on how you can ninja trinkets towards your agm. a) Try waking up during the dead hours 3am 6am 9am and getting it when the chest is less busy. b) make a trial account and run a lvl 1 character to the arena - dual box this with your twink and if your twinks ress starts to get longer use the trial to ress & attempt to distract/interrupt whatever is looting the chest. c) Die near the chest before the event begins so that you can ress whenever you see an opening and loot it.

Failing those you could always either join a pvp guild on your main & ask them to kindly help out your twink, orrr stoop to the level of paying people to help you get it in /2.

As for your other questions I cant help as I know nothing about the realm :p
Best of luck with your twink!

I can give u a tip if u got the money and interest to do it: Get ur AGM on a low populated server and then transfer the char to the server u wanna play on. I've found some servers where you can get the AGM in like 2 days. There is nobody there, just walk there and get it. If you are wondering about using this tip, make sure to do all the quests for the faction aswell between the arenatimes, well atleast if you are getting the questrewards from both factions. Can't help you on the other stuff tho.

GL! :)
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show up to to every arena you possibly can. a few of mine i got during peak hours at like noon or 6 pm where no one just happened to show up, ya never know. the 3 am was where i had the most luck for obvious reasons. i got mine all by myself but it took like 2 weeks or so and that was with showing up to like 3 or 4 of them a day
Given time, you will begin dreaming of tinking. And that's when you start sleepwalking to the computer to get AGM's.

I can give u a tip if u got the money and interest to do it: Get ur AGM on a low populated server and then transfer the char to the server u wanna play on. I've found some servers where you can get the AGM in like 2 days. There is nobody there, just walk there and get it. If you are wondering about using this tip, make sure to do all the quests for the faction aswell between the arenatimes, well atleast if you are getting the questrewards from both factions. Can't help you on the other stuff tho.

GL! :)

However! Don't go on Sporeggar, as even though it looks to be unpopulated, we currently have 2 or 3 people farming it. I cannot vouch for any other servers :)
alternatly you can have 2x wow open. Have 1 rdy at login with name and password, be logged in on your 85 on the other. Kill the other ppl on you 85 position it atop of the chest, Alt-Tab to the other wow and do a fast login on you 19. Your main will still be there dc´ed for a min or two :)
Loot chest while you 85 is "guarding" it. Works sometimes (can backfire though) xD
Sorry im still drunk so cant explain it better lol
GL with you 19 :)
dentarg is totally dead and i have a 70 there, if you do xfer there pm me and i'll help :)
I'm seriously considering to migrate William, however I'd gladly move to a realm where I could find a good European 19 twink guild our at least plenty of twinks to do premades with. Alliance of course, I wouldn't give up darkflight for nothing! Not sure if I would want to migrate twice to farm out the trinket in a dead realm only to move to a destination realm straight after though... Any advice?

Gotta upgrade the damn signature...
I'm seriously considering to migrate William, however I'd gladly move to a realm where I could find a good European 19 twink guild our at least plenty of twinks to do premades with. Alliance of course, I wouldn't give up darkflight for nothing! Not sure if I would want to migrate twice to farm out the trinket in a dead realm only to move to a destination realm straight after though... Any advice?

Gotta upgrade the damn signature...

well, only active alliance severs are draenor or azsune, you won't get an AGM on draenor without paying you will on azsune. over all draenor is more active.
well, only active alliance severs are draenor or azsune, you won't get an AGM on draenor without paying you will on azsune. over all draenor is more active.

Dear God, even on wow one has to pay protection money... Maybe tell me AGM are distributed be Sicilian Mafia? :) Well, I might go for some empty realm to start off then and think about Draenor when I have a pair of AGMs...just wondering, can I send mail to same faction characters on other realms? I'd rather not have to migrate my main to be able to support the twink off Defias Brotherhood...
Dear God, even on wow one has to pay protection money... Maybe tell me AGM are distributed be Sicilian Mafia? :) Well, I might go for some empty realm to start off then and think about Draenor when I have a pair of AGMs...just wondering, can I send mail to same faction characters on other realms? I'd rather not have to migrate my main to be able to support the twink off Defias Brotherhood...

nope :(
I dunno, I have mixed opinions on this.

I think ally doesn't que unless you have 5, and rarely do I ever see 5 que.

I was out of the loop for a while and have recently come back.

The only ally guild that looks decently put together is train cow.

I still think the attitudes are complete shit though (ally side)

Also like to add - EGO is everything in this bracket. Taking a loss is a huge deal still. Which doesn't make 1 bit of difference for me. I just log out and play my other twinks.

I think if we could get over that EGO it would help flourish this bracket. The thing is ..once you are on top, you want to stay there. And WT is on top. Unless you roll horde, I don't see this bracket being decently fun for any random Ally.

Over the past 4-5 days + 45 que's in WSG. I've won a total of 7 times. My hours are not random. Usually 7-11 EST at night.
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The only reason Ally stomps when WT isn't queuing is because you idiots forced them to group queue all day or else get gy farmed without a chance. Kind of goes along with what twobuttons said.

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