New world order.

ye you have no friends irl becaue you play 29 and not 70
gr8 b8 m8 8/8, I can't w8 to c the next cre8ive comment you make
ima make a level 79 bm i spose, or a 79 rogue., well see! Im all bout that fotm lyfe! Thats what twinking is! Beste classe, beste chants, beste items.

Yall make this shit out to be all noble and stuff, but it;'s a grey area, unintended by the makers of the game. If you want fair pvp go max level, although that aint nowhere near fair and never has been, depends on which patch ur in on what expansion. Twinking is an art, an art that is all about twisting the games mechanics and maxing out a characters gear and making him own others at a certain level bracket. There are no rules, there are no morals, it is pure nature of the game. Just like life, there are rules, but at the same there are no rules. We do what we do to survive and that is what twinking is built on.

Why do we play and pay for this game? To have fun. Without enjoyment there isnt' any point in playing. Winning is enjoying, so whatever classes/specs win more is the optimal choice when creating a twink, because it is the straightest route to the objective. To those that hate on fotm, don't worry, it changes......eventually. Whether or not you are a part of it is your own choice. That's how life goes. I aint gonna choose a knife in a gunfight.
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If that's how you justify rolling FotM scum then so be it, but don't expect people not to fight you over it. Obviously you know you're stepping on toes by playing what you play so that just makes you a scumbag, which is why you made this post to defend your actions. :)

P.S Regardless of class / spec these F2P Jaja's need to GO! Don't let them linger in our games any longer, a vote to kick a Jaja is a vote for better BG's! #VoteToKickGallywix
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ima make a level 79 bm i spose, or a 79 rogue., well see! Im all bout that fotm lyfe! Thats what twinking is! Beste classe, beste chants, beste items.

Yall make this shit out to be all noble and stuff, but it;'s a grey area, unintended by the makers of the game. If you want fair pvp go max level, although that aint nowhere near fair and never has been, depends on which patch ur in on what expansion. Twinking is an art, an art that is all about twisting the games mechanics and maxing out a characters gear and making him own others at a certain level bracket. There are no rules, there are no morals, it is pure nature of the game. Just like life, there are rules, but at the same there are no rules. We do what we do to survive and that is what twinking is built on.

Why do we play and pay for this game? To have fun. Without enjoyment there isnt' any point in playing. Winning is enjoying, so whatever classes/specs win more is the optimal choice when creating a twink, because it is the straightest route to the objective. To those that hate on fotm, don't worry, it changes......eventually. Whether or not you are a part of it is your own choice. That's how life goes. I aint gonna choose a knife in a gunfight. Unless im bored.....then I spose it might be fun....

Honestly.. I think the easiest fix to fotm stacking would be blizzard limiting the number of classes, or class specs specifically to 2 per wsg (and do the same for other bgs but with a bigger cap for bigger battlegrounds). That would probably give the less played classes/class specs faster queue times and slow down the queues for players wanting to always play their over powered characters, contributing to a larger variety of classes and specs in bgs. But blizzard doesn't care much about xp off, so that probably wouldn't ever happen.
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