Hey guys, I re-rolled to Whitemane a few months ago.
The server I was on (Thalnos) is something crazy like 95% Horde... BG queues on the Horde side is cancer, and with no one to kill in the open world I found myself raid logging on my Hunter.
Needless to say, Alliance instant queues in-combination with a high population has been extremely enjoyable. I recently made a 19 pally, and I'm looking to create a 39 twink (without a budget).
As it is I'm leaning towards making a caster... Mage/Priest/Lock (Maybe even a druid). I've been buying up what pieces of gear I can, but I'm somewhat lost. If I go Priest will Female Dwarf be the play? I'm not sure how they do with WSG jumps I only have experience with Gnome Female, and Human Female. Is it worth sacrificing fear-ward and stoneform for the Human character model?
Also, are there any 'viable' support specs that dips down into shadow for Silence?
The server I was on (Thalnos) is something crazy like 95% Horde... BG queues on the Horde side is cancer, and with no one to kill in the open world I found myself raid logging on my Hunter.
Needless to say, Alliance instant queues in-combination with a high population has been extremely enjoyable. I recently made a 19 pally, and I'm looking to create a 39 twink (without a budget).
As it is I'm leaning towards making a caster... Mage/Priest/Lock (Maybe even a druid). I've been buying up what pieces of gear I can, but I'm somewhat lost. If I go Priest will Female Dwarf be the play? I'm not sure how they do with WSG jumps I only have experience with Gnome Female, and Human Female. Is it worth sacrificing fear-ward and stoneform for the Human character model?
Also, are there any 'viable' support specs that dips down into shadow for Silence?