New warrior video!

yay ^_^ nice to see your still making videos, you were the reason i made my warrior on cata keep up the good work
Don't know what the right reaction should be,but here are couple of thoughts that have crossed my mind after seing the video :

- you hardly engage any solo fights, also you lack the moment of buidling up rage for burst.You don't have to use an ability just because you have the rage for it,wait for it.It's especially important when it comes down to execute and then you're rage starved.

- you don't use sunder on more HP/armor targets,or throw when you're unable to move, or thunder on large groups or on rogues (important one),you should look after your healer more and use focus target (also very important).Just like how you should try to move more like a rogue around your target.

- all in all IMO a bellow then average showcase of skill,positioning,3:1 engaging,etc.

- you could also show failed moments so we can help and discuss them as well.

- try a bit more stuff and make another video and then we'll comment on your improvements.

- don't get this the wrong way but the things you do in that video i do when i'm afk'ed, you'll have to try much harder then that my friend.

Looking forward to your next video so we can see bigger things,

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I can't quite pin it down ; the music , your game play or just an underplayed class but I enjoyed the video . Keep them coming !
Nice! I really liked it, well done :)

WHUT? U iz Jookin? I shall shower you with /love next time I see you :eek:

OT: Nice video, I just had to watch more of you, then I remembered Avikntoc, then I saw some Licholas and now I made 2 warriors ._.
Nice enough video.

There was a scary amount of "S" key abuse by quite a few players in those BG's though. ;)
nice vid, every time i see somone make a new one i tell myself i should make one, but i dont know how to start xD. always love to see vids, keep em comin :D
can you link armory?

you use heroic and sunder armor? (jast see you panel)

sorry for my broken english

upd to many Ally crabs in you video ))
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Dying 1v1 vs a rogue at 2:34, hunter saves you, you /lol at the rogue while running away. Niceee.

It was also just the same stuff over and over again for twelve minutes. I'm glad you showed objective play rather than midfights but it would have at least been nice to see some clever use of focus charge stun ie) Charging healers, ninja returns, etc
Dying 1v1 vs a rogue

In MoP, a warrior dies against a rogue if he gets to ambush (if you say both are decently geared and know their shit) - nuff said

Without Overpower you just can't touch them, especially when they pop Evasion

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