New vid warrior prot spec

OP I know criticism might be disheartening but try turn it around positively there is a lot of good advice given in the thread, make list of points then try incorporate them into your gameplay, keep working at it and before you know it you will be miles ahead of the pack.

Criticism, like rain, should be gentle enough to nourish a man's growth without destroying his roots.
Frank A.Clark

In general it would be nice to see more constructive feedback to players posting videos instead of flaming, I think a lot of newer players with a nudge in right direction and bit of encouragement could eventually make some really good content for the bracket.
Whoa! you all really dont like prot warriors lol. I really dont think warriors have that much sway in bgs. Anyway, leave your criticism but cmon dont lie, i'm not even on a pally at 1:55....

Er yeah, it was a priest's PW:S. Still. I -am- a warrior, and I'm currently prot, so it's not just an anti-prot warrior sentiment.
xD look at all these criticisms... welcome to my world mykx I feel yo pain :)
I think we were a little to harsh, Everybody is disliking this video because nobody likes watching Flavor of the month classes, Perhaps if you were to roll arms or fury you would've gotten a more positive reaction.
I think we were a little to harsh, Everybody is disliking this video because nobody likes watching Flavor of the month classes, Perhaps if you were to roll arms or fury you would've gotten a more positive reaction.
^this. im rolling a prot to ensure i get my 'looms so i might make a screen shot or video w/ an arms or fury one day. playing an op class/spec is fun, don't deny it...but also, don't take advantage of it, and ALWAYS play objectively..
You should try arms it is more useful with the healing debuff, and can do more overall damage.
I think we were a little to harsh, Everybody is disliking this video because nobody likes watching Flavor of the month classes, Perhaps if you were to roll arms or fury you would've gotten a more positive reaction.

Yeah my arms vid received a better reception. Still dont think wars are a fotm/op class(dont see an extreme amount of wars in bgs), you could say prot is the fotm spec.
Yeah my arms vid received a better reception. Still dont think wars are a fotm/op class(dont see an extreme amount of wars in bgs), you could say prot is the fotm spec.

I actually agree with you here, have not had any problems with protection warriors, they usually waste thier 2 charges and never touch me again.
The problem's just that a video can only be as interesting as the class/spec it shows.

Best way to describe prot warriors right now:
charge > SS > fap.

I think the other thing working against you is that previous warrior videos showed people doing impressive things with the limited amount of tools at their disposal. They succeeded in spite of being a warrior, not because they were a warrior. Most of what I'm seeing here is shield slam > big number > things die. The gameplay itself is fine, solid focus on objective play (and killing people attacking your healers!). It's just not particularly intriguing.

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