New twink! What class?

This is true, however I don't know a class that doesn't have any trouble with hunters so that won't change much whatever you choose. However, luckily most of them are played by idiots (apologies good hunters for the generalisation) so you can still roll em with some skill/luck almost whatever class you are, if played well.
Dwarf Ench Sham <3
how about a lock? you don't see alot of those in WSG anymore
top 3 less played classes: (this is true, i cuonted every bg i was in, battlegroup is blackout, alliance side)

Balance druids

enhancement shamans


also, i've seen a steep decrease in the amount of warriors.
Imo, roll anything but a hunter, they kill our bracket. Enh shams can be good but you have to know how to play them well. Mages are very op, when i was ret i got roflstomped unless i used my swiftness potions. started in wsg with 50 and ended with 30.... 5 mages. but locks are insanely good if you go glass cannon and have a healz follow you around.
soggy said:
Imo, roll anything but a hunter, they kill our bracket. Enh shams can be good but you have to know how to play them well. Mages are very op, when i was ret i got roflstomped unless i used my swiftness potions. started in wsg with 50 and ended with 30.... 5 mages. but locks are insanely good if you go glass cannon and have a healz follow you around.

Why would you EVER EVER EVER tell him to roll a Hunter? Are you insane?
Splenderp said:
Why would you EVER EVER EVER tell him to roll a Hunter? Are you insane?

Apparently your insane becuase he said *Roll anything BUT a hunter*. Read before you post.
with no way of removing dots anymore go for a glass cannon lock and just dot tab. No priest dispels, or mage remove curse.

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