EU New twink help


Hey, i have never twinked before, but i want to get into 19 twinking.
I made an dwarf shaman and leveled it to level 13, but im wondering is it worth putting time in to an shaman? Are they any good in 19?
What eu server is best for 19 twinking?
Do you guys have any tips for me it would be nice if you could comment them :)
Thanks :)
Shamans are good as healers. In the meta.
However enhance and ele are not that good but are fun to play tho people in your team will rage at you for playing these ' useless ' specs.
Draenor/Al'Akir for realms.
Not sure if it still pops.
naww shammy aint good,right now, roll a feral druid or a priest.

You need passion for twinking then you'll be able to play the less viable classes.

Ferals will rack you up kills.
Shamans are good as healers. In the meta.
However enhance and ele are not that good but are fun to play tho people in your team will rage at you for playing these ' useless ' specs.
Draenor/Al'Akir for realms.
Not sure if it still pops.
Okey thanks, im not much for healers :/
What classes can you recomend? That are not overplayed like rogue and hunter. :)
naww shammy aint good,right now, roll a feral druid or a priest.

You need passion for twinking then you'll be able to play the less viable classes.

Ferals will rack you up kills.
Thanks, im gonna look in to druid. Do you know how boomkins do? :)
Thanks, im gonna look in to druid. Do you know how boomkins do? :)

Boomkins do very well, if your going horde make one on stormscale.
Draenor is the top one. Now listen up

Roll a boomy, if its horde then Tauren for the stomp and extra health along with cool model.
If allaince then a Night elf for shadowmeld or a worgen for speed boost. Nelf for a beginner because you can escape battle.

Get in battleground throw moonfires on everyone in sight, some one attacks you displacer beast (talent) heal and remember ALWAYS THROW A REJUV on ur team mates. Heal those who have low health.

After ur enemies have been dotted then throw starfires. Top dmg and honor EZPZ.

Want me to make a guide?
Get in battleground throw moonfires on everyone in sight, some one attacks you displacer beast (talent) heal and remember ALWAYS THROW A REJUV on ur team mates. Heal those who have low health.

After ur enemies have been dotted then throw starfires. Top dmg and honor EZPZ.
I like your tactic with escaper beast when someone attacks, just run as far away from an actual fight without getting combo points or even trash an enemy to get max damage up. It is like you do not even know how to use your forms correctly nor casting and using your cycle which spell to use next.

Want me to make a guide?
Please do make that awesome guide about hit and run tactics and starfire spam after dotting.

OMG, EZPZ aight?
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genius OP is a NEW twink.
He needs to survive and enjoy it not spend their time with you at the gy racking combo points.

Use your god given mind and try to comprehend a simple statement.

Without showing off your p.hd

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