New Twink choice!

I heard hunters are pretty good, you should roll one of them! Being srs tho, i think shammies are kinda meh. pallies are overplayed, so a druid would be cool.
Go resto or balance druid. Or really any druid/shaman spec would be nice to see.
theres really only one choice, and thats to be chosen due to the epic sounding name that goes with the class.

Baby lazor chicken. 'nuff said.
For people saying shamans are underpowered i rofl to all of u! Enhance shamans throw out massive dps and interupts and purge is great.
Enhancement shammy and feral druid are what i play and they are soooooooooo fun....and i love sticking out, and most of the time im the only feral druid in my games, and sometimes the only enh shammy...but now theyre a little more common. i LOVE both though. they can really tear shit up
OldSchool said:
sometimes the only enh shammy...but now theyre a little more common. i LOVE both though. they can really tear shit up

Because I forced it down peoples' throat. Ele is trash don't make me throw up. Trading all your dps and utility for thunder punt is just retarded.
Not go through hunters. Its ridiculously hard, even as an FC. Concussive is a bitch.

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