Hey guys, after achieving r1 ls during demonic i have decided to take a new turn to pvp; twinking! I have always been interested in twinking ive just never really had the time to invest as ive been doing arena; now that thats all over i can finally begin my journey.
I am just getting into twinking and i was wandering if their is a community i could be invited to or something along those lines to help me get started. I dont really know anyone in the community besides helium (jungle freak
) so im kind of stuck as to where to start finding people to play with
Dont know if this was important enough to make a thread about, but im kinda stuck for ideas on how to make friends at 70 twinking.
I am just getting into twinking and i was wandering if their is a community i could be invited to or something along those lines to help me get started. I dont really know anyone in the community besides helium (jungle freak