new to twinking


hey all, ive decided to start some serious twinking. im only new to this kinda thing, and hoping you guys may be able to help me as much as possible, and ill be trying to do the same. If any1 plays aman'thul US for the alliance, id be more than happy to befriend you in game.. thank you for the time,
Kind regards
Good luck and welcome to Hell!

In which bracket are you interested?

There are some fairly knowledgeable people here from all pvp brackets and many are more than happy to answer your questions if placed in the proper forum.
Weclome to TI.

Currently, the 20-24 bracket is the most active, with WSG pops varying from 1-5 minutes depending on faction, and AB probably 15-30 minutes depending on faction as well. Personally, I think it's a great bracket and I find about 90% of my BGs enjoyable, so I'd recommend trying it out if you were considering it.
Please do not come to the 20-24 bracket. The 20-24 bracket does not need clueless newfags like you.

Thats rather... harsh. At one point or another we were all new to a bracket :) New people are always good, you need new people from time to time to keep activity high.

In terms of which bracket you should roll, level 20-24 bracket is indeed really active right now and quite fun to play. I really enjoyed the level 60 bracket, but it's pretty much dead, which really suck =/ Level 70 is also quite active right now and it's a fun bracket. You should roll the bracket that appeals the most to you really.

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