Hello all! I've recently been thinking about creating a twink for the fun of it. Max level has become quite slow or should I say boring and I heard twinking was a nice refresher. After some research online I've come across this website and figured it could be used to help my knowledge. I would love some input as what to do.
I've thought about Bleeding Hollow as the server for my character to reside, if any are better let me know please.
I was thinking of a 20-29 warrior/pally as I love the sword and shield style of combat but am not limited to only this, I would like some input as what would be fun or viable aside from a druid/monk. Any advice is helpful and well appreciated. Thank you
I've thought about Bleeding Hollow as the server for my character to reside, if any are better let me know please.
I was thinking of a 20-29 warrior/pally as I love the sword and shield style of combat but am not limited to only this, I would like some input as what would be fun or viable aside from a druid/monk. Any advice is helpful and well appreciated. Thank you