New to twinking and seeking advice for completing the classic dungeon master achievement solo

Hello all,

I discovered your forums last night and was intrigued by the threads of people completing the above mentioned achievement solo at level 20. I have a few questions I'm hoping the community will entertain as I did not find the answers in the guides. I should mention I've been playing WoW on and off since release and am currently subscribing.

So here are my questions, my apologies if they're overly noob-ish:

1. Should I turn Chromie Time on to get my Legion artifact weapon, then switch to TBC to farm gear?

2. At what point will my iLv be good enough to start attempting the lower end dungeons? Do I disable Chromie Time and just walk to them, and if so, do they sync to my level?

3. Can I obtain gear in the AH, such as the Ghost Iron Dragonling, and if so, will it sync to my level when I equip it.

Thanks for reading. Any help would be greatly apprecaited and I look forward to engaging with the community.

Hey Brett. I would be more than happy to share my insights with you, and also have some questions for you.
Let's answer your questions first!
1 - I highly recommend you get the Legion Artifact, although there are weapons for some class/specs that are very good and can also be used. It's generally the best for most classes, but there are exceptions - Eg. Foamspittle Epic Staff for casters.
2 - It's not so much about the ilvl as it is about the gear and sockets. You can attempt any dungeon you can get into with Chromie Time on. You will have to ground mount your way to each dungeon, or have somebody buddy mount you to them most of the time.
3 - If you are vetting/subscribing I strongly encourage you to buy whatever gear you can to save time in your Real Life. Items like Ghost Iron Dragonling WILL NOT lower their level for you. You need to have it crafted with Relic of the Past I (this will make it lvl 14). You may want the crafter to put the cogs in it for you if for some reason you do not have cata engi.

If you have any more questions I'm sure myself and anyone else would be happy to help answer them!

My questions

1 - What class are you planning on trying? I am working on several atm, but not every class is viable imo due to certain fight mechanics and class restrictions at this level. This is also not a new thing in wow (some classes being great at soling and others being horrible). As of the time of this writing the only two known classes that I know of that can do the achv 100% solo are hunter (accomplished by Vyvenem), and Paladin (myself). I believe some other classes can do it, otherwise I wouldn't be testing other ones out haha :p .
2 - What server/faction are you on?
3 - US or EU?
4 - Do you have buddies to help you in the gearing process?

That's all I can think of! Happy hunting!

First question, are you going to be playing on your main account (with active subscription) and locking your XP at 20? Or are you wanting to make a free-to-play account?
Thanks for the replies!

1. Your thread, in particular, piqued my interest in playing a paladin. I've always liked the class but tanking wasn't my thing. I'd also consider playing a warlock as that was my first class in Vanilla and seemed pretty good at soloing. I'd like to avoid hunter simply because I've been maining one for SL.

2. Aerie Peak - Alliance

3. US

4. I have a RL friend on that server. He's a pretty hardcore raider (I am not. I like to play on my own time table, but do enjoy a challenge, which is part of my interest in attempting this feat). He could probably help me with some gold/crafting if need be.

@Henry - my plan was to play on my current account. If I can, as Dragynslayer put it, spend gold instead of my time, that is my preference.

Thanks again!
Thanks for the replies!

1. Your thread, in particular, piqued my interest in playing a paladin. I've always liked the class but tanking wasn't my thing. I'd also consider playing a warlock as that was my first class in Vanilla and seemed pretty good at soloing. I'd like to avoid hunter simply because I've been maining one for SL.

2. Aerie Peak - Alliance

3. US

4. I have a RL friend on that server. He's a pretty hardcore raider (I am not. I like to play on my own time table, but do enjoy a challenge, which is part of my interest in attempting this feat). He could probably help me with some gold/crafting if need be.

@Henry - my plan was to play on my current account. If I can, as Dragynslayer put it, spend gold instead of my time, that is my preference.

Thanks again!

Paladin is in good position to do the achievement, but I will warn you that clearing Jammal and Baroness is an utter nightmare. If you have any questions about gearing one up I believe I covered them in my other thread but again, more than happy to help!

Also, playing as a prot for the solo achv will not feel as tanky as you are thinking. I pull better dps on my "Prot" paladin than on my other twinks frequently for pve play haha.
Thanks again! I enjoy Rogue-like games such as Slay the Spire and Monster Train so I have a pretty thick skin for getting beaten up by bosses.
Thanks for the replies!

1. Your thread, in particular, piqued my interest in playing a paladin. I've always liked the class but tanking wasn't my thing. I'd also consider playing a warlock as that was my first class in Vanilla and seemed pretty good at soloing. I'd like to avoid hunter simply because I've been maining one for SL.

2. Aerie Peak - Alliance

3. US

4. I have a RL friend on that server. He's a pretty hardcore raider (I am not. I like to play on my own time table, but do enjoy a challenge, which is part of my interest in attempting this feat). He could probably help me with some gold/crafting if need be.

@Henry - my plan was to play on my current account. If I can, as Dragynslayer put it, spend gold instead of my time, that is my preference.

Thanks again!

Nice, good call. Yes, I’d start by getting to level 20 without Chromie Time (defaults to BFA campaign), and then activate Legion Time when you get to 20 and lock XP.

Get your artifact and play through the Legion quest zones to get some relics which upgrade the iLvl of your artifact, and some basic starter gear. If you or your friend have an engineer, you can buy/make a Dragonling trinket, add the cogwheel gems from the Engi Vendor in SW, and then mail to your lvl 20 to equip.

You’ll then be in a good spot to start grinding TBC socket pieces. I’d start by just using the Dungeon Finder with TBC Chromie Time activated until you get a couple of drops you can gem and enchant, or maybe asking your buddy to run you through a few dungeons (to answer your question, yes you’d run to the dungeon entrance and walk in if you’re soloing or grouping with a friend). Take a look at the “F2P and Vet Armory” sticky on this forum to browse for the pieces you’d like to go after (the link in my signature is for a Ret Pally, not Prot, but may give you some ideas).

Biggest piece of advice would be to just have fun with it. There is SO MUCH content you can do as a level 20 now, don’t burn yourself out thinking you need to grind the same TBC dungeon 50 times for a BiS piece. If you enjoy the process of just exploring and trying to complete content as a level 20 you’ll have more fun in the long run, and maybe going for the Dungeon completion achievements as a goal or trying out some BGs for a month when your sub expires.
That's perfect advice, thank you. I'm absolutely going to take my time and enjoy the ride on this one. Since I still have subscription time and things I want to do in SL, I'll probably start by skimming the AH for pieces I want. Best part about this project is once I've collected most of the gear to get going I can let my subscription expire and play whenever I feel compelled to.

One question, why wait to 20 to turn on Chromie time? Am I missing out on something by activating it at level 10?

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