New to Lvl1 Twinking. What Class?


Ok so like the title I'm new to lvl 1 twinking I've had some experience with 19 twinking but it got old after a while. Now with lvl 1 twinking I just don't know what class to choose! I know that i want to be a DPS and I was thinking either Pally, Druid, or Hunter (If they get Arcane Shot at lvl 1 with Cata changes). Now if the skills do get changed for lvl 1 with Cata, I know druids will only have 1 spell and Pallies will have Crusader Strike and Hunters wil have Arcane Shot and a pet. (I know that it is not confirmed but just stating it anyway). So from the pro's on the site which one should i choose?
rogues.warriors are the most common but a paladin usually wins most of the duel but personally i like locks for the pet but thts just me.
do you want to pvp or pve?

pvp - rogues

pve - rogues

everyone else isnt' good :)

come cataclysm, shaman won't be good in pvp anymore nor will pallies because they can't heal
Well i was mainly thinkin for PvE and PvP would just be the occasional duel and with Cata rouges would be loosin Stealth and Eviscerate
stealth is worthless and eviscerate isn't a big dps loss

for pve ... priests will be the only tanks (if you wanna do that)

casters will never go oom .. but hit is really bad

melee ... pallies 'might' be fun with crusader strike, but rogues will still win with agi boost to ap and high dodge rates
or stand out and be bad ... your call :)

j/k ... much <3 metal
Hunters will be the best DPS in Cata. So if you wanna go extreme PvE Damage and pretty good PvP experience, go for hunter.

i think we've covered this in other posts ... hunters 'might' be fun with low level pvp ... but that's about it
double post ftw

Hunters: Arcane Shot

Cost: 25 Focus

Focus Regen Rate: 5 / 1 sec = 400 / min (including 100 to start)

Total Shots / Min: 16

Formula: [RAP*0.165+15] Arcane dmg

Assuming 100 RAP: 31.5 * 16 = 504 dmg / min

Rogues: Sinister Strike

Cost: 45 Energy

Energy Regen Rate: 10 / sec = 700 / min (including 100 to start)

Total Strikes / Min: 15.5

Formula: ( [(Attack Power / 14) * Normalized Weapon Speed + Weapon Damage + 3 = Dmg] )

Assuming 100 AP (and using Battleworn Thrash Blade): 34.1 * 15.5 = 528.55 dmg / min
chubs said:
double post ftw

Hunters: Arcane Shot

Cost: 25 Focus

Focus Regen Rate: 5 / 1 sec = 400 / min (including 100 to start)

Total Shots / Min: 16

Formula: [RAP*0.165+15] Arcane dmg

Assuming 100 RAP: 31.5 * 16 = 504 dmg / min

Rogues: Sinister Strike

Cost: 45 Energy

Energy Regen Rate: 10 / sec = 700 / min (including 100 to start)

Total Strikes / Min: 15.5

Formula: ( [(Attack Power / 14) * Normalized Weapon Speed + Weapon Damage + 3 = Dmg] )

Assuming 100 AP (and using Battleworn Thrash Blade): 34.1 * 15.5 = 528.55 dmg / min

Add Feathered Arrows to the hunter with a haste setup, speed will be under 1.00
A major change coming for the hunter is the removal of ammunition. Guns, bows, and crossbows will now do damage without consuming ammunition at all. There will be no more ammo slot on the hunter’s character display. Any ammunition that a hunter has at the time of the change will become gray sellable items. Existing quivers will be converted into large bags -- though each hunter can only have one and non-hunters will not benefit from this change -- and we will not be making any additional quivers.

Original Post: World of Warcraft - English (NA) Forums -> Cataclysm Class Preview: Hunter that we've covered that

i think we'll still need a hunter in a PvE situation depending on their pet debuff ... assuming they are of the appropriate race to have the starting pet needed and that they even have that ability at lvl1...but hardly will they be every level 1's wet dream like you think


# Wind Serpents: Will provide a debuff that increases the amount of spell damage taken by an enemy (similar to a weaker version of the warlock ability Curse of Elements).

# Ravagers: Will provide a debuff that will increase an enemy's Physical damage vulnerability (similar to a weaker version of the warrior ability Blood Frenzy).

# Hyenas: Will provide bleed damage (similar to a weaker version of the druid ability Mangle).

edit: anyone else notice that Cakeeater copied One's awesome look ... he's stalking me!

edit2: i'm changing her hair anyway...never did care for it
Thank you so much for the help guys! I'll try and get a link to what my rogue looks like when I'm done twinking her out :)!

Holuelf/Metobo- Lvl 80 Pally/Hunter-Exodar US
I had a big long post made up, but took to long and now i'm mad....

Basically - Warriors will do the most dmg since Heroic Strike is an instant based on rage ... so tons of uptime ... dmg modifier is 60% AP + 8 .. and instants make PPM enchants happy

Pallies - 4 sec CD on Crusader Strike = 15 / min like a Rogues SS

Rogues - always sexy

Hunters - above formulas show them less dmg than Rogues ... certain classes good for pvp (depending on starting pet)

Warlocks - interesting ... lose immolate, but imp gains a stacking dot .... should be some sexy dps

All others nerfed to shite

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