New to F2P


Hi everyone,

I just wanted to introduce myself and find out what this community is all about. I used to play Wow on subscription from BC through WOTLK (though I never got to any endgame content - quite a casual player here), and didn't like how the subscription made me feel obligated to play the game.

Never really thought about F2P because the level cap made it seem as if you really can't do much, but looking at threads and guides around here made me want to try it out!

I was wondering if you could let me know what kind of stuff you guys do and which servers you'd recommend. I see there are some threads around but could anyone give me the lowdown on the feel (personality) of the different server F2P communities? (For example, are some more PVP focused, or socially focused, etc.)

Is there room for very casual players around here? I tend to be quite a lurker (even in-game, I'm often off doing my own thing) but was thinking it'd be nice to have some social groups available to chat or give/receive help with something. Though I have played Wow before, I don't know a lot about gear/strategy/etc - I often just like to explore places and work on professions, quests, and things like that. I might like to learn more about playing my classes better and work on gearing myself up, since the cap's at 20.

This looks like a nice community and I look forward to checking out what F2P has to offer!
Welcome Aria !

You can find a lot of information in this wonderful thread : by Yde. F2P is ok for casual players. I am a casual player too.. I have one character so far and I think it's great. If you think is boring, you can always level another toon or start doing achievements / more PVP :).

Before you start leveling a toon.. pay attention to bis ( best in slot ) gear. You can find a lot of bis examples in that thread.

Most of the servers are PVP focused, but you can install Yasueh's Macros and Addons for F2P and you will have a guild-like chat where you can chat and socialise with all the F2Ps on that server, who have installed the addon.
There are a lot of communities EU and US :

United States of America

Aerie Peak (PvE)
New York
Horde and Alliance
How to join the Aerie Peak F2P Community! START HERE! by Ciroe
Both Factions: Premades, Arenas | Horde: F2P 19 Wargames
Aerie Peak Arena Tournament with TCG Prizes! by youakim
Aerie Peak F2P Arena Skype Player Group by C O T U S
19 Wargame Project by Kochist
Most active server for both factions. All activities all day all week, except for 19 wargames, which are just getting started. F2P 19 arenas every day, WSG wargames on weekends. NY Datacenter with good ping for EU players.
Vashj (PvP)
Alliance and Horde
Vashj Strong! by Galvarino, ⇛ Activity Update by Licholas
Premades, Arenas
Daily premades, arenas almost every day during peak hours. Big alliance community, with some people having Horde alts, making for a small Horde community.
Moon Guard (RP)
F2P Community on Moon Guard by Win
Premades, Arenas
Drenden (PvE)
Premades, Arenas
Norgannon (PvE)
New York
Premades, Arenas

European Union

Twisting Nether (PvP)
Frankfurt (Germany)
Join Twisting Nether EU! by pixie
Premades, Arenas
Aggramar (PvE)
Paris (France)
Join F2P Horde on Aggramar EU! by Broken
Premades, Arenas
Wildhammer (PvE)
Stockholm (Sweden)
Alliance and Horde
F2P Twinking - Join Wildhammer EU! by Matterson
Premades, Arenas

If you have other questions... feel free to ask here :
QUESTIONS! Do you have a simple question? Ask it here!

Have Fun!
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What's scary is my significant other and myself were discussing what we would want to name a child, her choice for a girl was "Aria"
This went down literally an hour before you posted this.

OT: Thor covered a lot of it, you can do WoW Events, player made events (19 wargames, etc), achievement hunters have a lot to do.
Nice, thanks you guys for the help! It makes pretty clear sense that it's mostly pvp groups, considering this is a twinking site. Maybe I'll try out some pvp. I only did a few battlegrounds casually when I played before. At least it'd be nice to chat with some fellow F2Pers, so that's good enough for me.

One appealing thing about the 20 level cap is now there's no leveling to be done so you have plenty of time to focus on other stuff like achievements and reputation, which I never really did before.

That's a pretty interesting coincidence about the name. It must be fate! Though my name is not actually Aria. It came from a show I like.
Nice, thanks you guys for the help! It makes pretty clear sense that it's mostly pvp groups, considering this is a twinking site. Maybe I'll try out some pvp. I only did a few battlegrounds casually when I played before. At least it'd be nice to chat with some fellow F2Pers, so that's good enough for me.

One appealing thing about the 20 level cap is now there's no leveling to be done so you have plenty of time to focus on other stuff like achievements and reputation, which I never really did before.

That's a pretty interesting coincidence about the name. It must be fate! Though my name is not actually Aria. It came from a show I like.

Welcome, Aria.

If you're looking for new potential in f2p, you should try getting into pvp and level a toon on Vashj ally. f2p is great because it's easy to be completely uncommitted and casual, yet still get lots of entertainment out of free WoW. 20 pvp can be really engaging, especially when you can do premades.
Anyway, join us!
Something to also note is that if you go alliance you get better gear, but longer que times.

If you go horde, you get worse gear, but normally instant que times.

Aerie peak is the biggest F2P community for both sides, however Vashj alliance is close to par to AP alliance. Not sure about the other servers, have fun.
Welcome to the bracket/community. Hope to see you around.

Good luck, have fun, and ignore zee trollz.

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