new to 39s help me choose a class

hey guys im new to the 39 bracket and was woundering if one of u could give me the high and low on all the classes? also how hard the gearing is for each class, keep in mind that iwill not be having any BoA's ill have plenty of cash so that wont be a problem...thank :)
hi.....this is how the high and low pick a class that you like to play the most... AND STICK WITH IT. Don't reroll because you here that some new FOTM is happening or whatever, just play what matches your playstyle. THATS IT :D
Ugarak said:
hi.....this is how the high and low pick a class that you like to play the most... AND STICK WITH IT. Don't reroll because you here that some new FOTM is happening or whatever, just play what matches your playstyle. THATS IT :D
I wish someone told me this when I started wow...but its soo true
Is there a better answer than that? Is there a class that's deficient or a role that could be filled? In my time of WoW, I've played every class fairly thoroughly and didn't have any major qualms. I enjoyed the playstyle of all of them. Anything except priest, because that's my main and I'm a bit burned out on them after all this time.

To restate that... I would not have any issue rolling whatever class is needed. I'd rather fill a needed role since I'm comfortable playing pretty much anything extensively.
Chibils said:
Is there a better answer than that? Is there a class that's deficient or a role that could be filled? In my time of WoW, I've played every class fairly thoroughly and didn't have any major qualms. I enjoyed the playstyle of all of them. Anything except priest, because that's my main and I'm a bit burned out on them after all this time.

To restate that... I would not have any issue rolling whatever class is needed. I'd rather fill a needed role since I'm comfortable playing pretty much anything extensively.

Bah, just wrote a long answer but it bugged out and I lost it somehow... Anywyas, short version: :p

First, take a look at the twink movies in this thread:

Id take rogue if I were you. Its an insanely fun class to play. Its easy to play ok, but the skill cap is very high! You can always, and I mean always, get better

Rogue works with every other class/spec in arena

ALLOT of other rogues, but that's a good thing, you ALWAYS have someone to duel and to help you improve your skills

Thers no counter class. If you lose, the opponent is generally better then you, or your just severely undergeared (you most likely wont win against everyone, especially not against the very best that's played for years, but in theory you can learn to win against everyone! no matter the class they play)

You can stealth, how cool is that!, you can vanish spells, how cool is that!?. You got awesome CC, how cool IS THAT? You can try to master openers and perfect them, how cool is that? Its very cool:p

-Plz tell me what class you choose, gonna slap ya if ya dont go rogue!:)<3
I appreciate the advice. My old twink was a rogue, 39 before 49. I really enjoyed it but the game has changed since then. I don't have to make poisons or buy blinding powder, etc. any more. Rogues are a bit different to play, now, too. I'm a bit reluctant since I've done a twink rogue before, but I'll definitely consider it and likely end up going rogue. Any other suggestions? I'm still open to suggestions.
Its easy to play ok, but the skill cap is very high!

..that's the same with any class lol

as he said though rogues are good with pretty much any other class in arena and they are great at 1v1. rogues are great at CC at 39.

however just about any class/spec can be played at 39 in WSG, i guess here's a general rundown

warrior: great burst, suseptable to CC, intercept is a key ability. defensive spec is good for FC

rogue: excellent CC, a bit reliant on CDs, effectiveness gets worse as the battles get larger

paladin: ret can be kind of good DPS, holy is the most mana efficient and probably best in survivability out of all healers, although very immobile and no instant casts. prot is good for FC

hunter: range+instant casts is very good, quite a few different CC abilities to use, suseptable to LoS.

shaman: probably the most well rounded class, playstyle is determined by spec

druid: very bursty if played as a healer or caster, mana is the biggest problem. feral is good for FC

mage: probably the most interesting class (IMO), good CC and escape abilities as well as burst, but suseptable to burst

priest: probably the most versatile healer, lots of instant casts + dispel, an essential part to any team

warlock: can either be played as a glass cannon (dot dot dot) or soul link (lots of survivability, 1v1 capabilities, burst is minimal).
I will reiterate.....Pick the class/playstyle you most enjoy, and stick with it!
im going to piggyback this thread cuz i have the same question, cept i want to know how priests fare and what specs people play
i want to know how priests fare and what specs people play

last time i played, disc was the main spec, 28/2/0, 19/11/0 or other variations were specs...typical hp and mana was around 2700 hp and 4000 mana. very stat based gear (much cloth gear has stam/int/sp on it anyways). priests fare very well in WSG and arena due to their ability to dispel and use many different instant casts but i would say their weakness is poisons and being CC'd (sheep, rogue stunlock, seduce, other various unselfdispelled CC) since they are often trying to support teammates.

shadow was also played but much less frequently, it seemed to serve well as a sort of soloing class but in terms of teamwork it's kind of bleh. holy is played rarely last time i checked, it seems like it has good burst but not a great enough mana efficeincy.

so in conclusion if you want to fare well and help your team win, disc is the safest bet. but if you want to try something interesting and more of a solo act, holy and shadow are decent options.
Druiddroid said:
last time i played, disc was the main spec, 28/2/0, 19/11/0 or other variations were specs...typical hp and mana was around 2700 hp and 4000 mana. very stat based gear (much cloth gear has stam/int/sp on it anyways). priests fare very well in WSG and arena due to their ability to dispel and use many different instant casts but i would say their weakness is poisons and being CC'd (sheep, rogue stunlock, seduce, other various unselfdispelled CC) since they are often trying to support teammates.

shadow was also played but much less frequently, it seemed to serve well as a sort of soloing class but in terms of teamwork it's kind of bleh. holy is played rarely last time i checked, it seems like it has good burst but not a great enough mana efficeincy.

so in conclusion if you want to fare well and help your team win, disc is the safest bet. but if you want to try something interesting and more of a solo act, holy and shadow are decent options.

ok, thanks for the imput.

i like disc, but i want to try a straight smite spec and a straight shadow spec, both look pretty fun. holy seems to have a lot of +crit to it, should be interesting.

anyone link some armorys/chardevs?

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