New to 39 help with basics please (EU)


Im new to the 39 bracket; getting bored of 19s and decided to level my bank store rogue to a 39 got it the basics.

Was just wondering are there specific days which 39s do BGs and arena so i know when to log on for :) much appreciated.
it's been a few weeks we didn't get any BG (lack of alliance, even though we have more than 25 players in guild). But we still get arenas everyday. Evening and night.
are u in nightfall battlergroup?
i put EU in the title :/

Yeah i heard alliance needed players; im just gona finish my rogue when im back from holiday and then xfer it alliance ^^
1 player aint gonna change anything atm. It's going to be arena's to cata prep patch and we will see then.
Aye 1 person wont do much; but if its alliance slacking and you have 25 players in the guild tell the members to stop slacking!

Put up a gevent or ad on TI /BO forums.

Im eager to see how the 39 bracket is; spent 1kish blindly in the hope of 39 twinking being interesting and if it stays this dull i feel i wasted time / money :( and 80 may be the only option left for me.
testing changes on my twink @PTR atm. Ill definetaly will queue for Bgs once cata is out, provided its still true that all (per-continent) battlegroups get united into one. I never been a fan of moving chars - usually it ended up in a loss of irl money since community was not stable. (too many twinks on the same server always generate problems, like beeing dependend on one guild and their leaders etc, see silvermoon)

Im quite confident that the 39 bracket will revive and not just glow in a niche.

About 39 in cata - from what ive seen and tested - it will be "a bit" more bursty - classes got more instants (at elast mages) and it could be an instant spam festival (have to see) - still the changes are amazing, at elast something really new, plus the addition to farm the new BiS gears.

So keep ur enthusiasm up til cata is out, dont expect anything before (unless u move to the EU Bg that has at least stable arena games running)
Eloc, hey its ærian that priest ;D

Examiner, and this emocakeslol both people from my guild 19, im getting more and more to roll a 39

19 is looking dire imo and 39 got alot of cool changes and pre 4.0 was fun just not active enough.

hope it will be great 4.0 onwards if it is ill br bringing more ppls along :3
suzzane said:
Eloc, hey its ærian that priest ;D

Examiner, and this emocakeslol both people from my guild 19, im getting more and more to roll a 39

19 is looking dire imo and 39 got alot of cool changes and pre 4.0 was fun just not active enough.

hope it will be great 4.0 onwards if it is ill br bringing more ppls along :3

shh go to church!

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