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Sometimes they start earlier and sometimes especially lately they have been going later than 12.

Level something besides a feral, Feral is a very petty thing to play in wsg atm.
play what you want, having one or two ferals(especially if a new feral for alliance CAN ACTUALLY RETURN FLAGS lawd thats our savior right there, shotsfired @ all alli feral prove somebody wrong yo)

its not like alli didnt have 4 arms warr teams and shit like that, yesterday.... ferals in stacked #'s still isnt as scary as all arms warrs in stacked #'s, try convincing some arms warrs to not play arms tho
ferals in stacked #'s still isnt as scary as all arms warrs in stacked #'s, try convincing some arms warrs to not play arms tho
no way does 4 feral compare to 4 warr whatsoever

any team with half a brain can dodge the warrs in mid or just let them farm gy while they get capped on just like horde did yesterday because people would rather pad dmg

also im pretty sure no fc is going to live 4 ferals no matter how u look at it regardless of if they have stacks or not they are going to get pounded
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no way does 4 feral compare to 4 warr whatsoever

any team with half a brain can dodge the warrs in mid or just let them farm gy while they get capped on just like horde did yesterday because people would rather pad dmg

also im pretty sure no fc is going to live 4 ferals no matter how u look at it regardless of if they have stacks or not they are going to get pounded

What FC can live 4 warriors?
Yay, because Alliance needs more ferals. There's like 3-5 druids every game ffs
then u obv didnt understand it

"no way does 4 feral compare to 4 warr whatsoever

any team with half a brain can dodge the warrs in mid or just let them farm gy while they get capped on just like horde did yesterday because people would rather pad dmg

also im pretty sure no fc is going to live 4 ferals no matter how u look at it regardless of if they have stacks or not they are going to get pounded"

He compared ferals to warriors yes? That's the whole point of the post. His final line said how no FC will survive 4 ferals. Seeing as the post is comparing ferals to warriors, I replied that no FC can survive 4 warriors either, disagreeing with that part of his comparison. What's your point?
He compared ferals to warriors yes? That's the whole point of the post. His final line said how no FC will survive 4 ferals. Seeing as the post is comparing ferals to warriors, I replied that no FC can survive 4 warriors either, disagreeing with that part of his comparison. What's your point?
like i said earlier which you failed to understand the first time, any fc that isnt retarded is going to be able to dodge the 4 warrs a lot easier than you can 4 ferals whether youre crossing mid or running kiting d in your base

not to mention the fact i stated that all 4 warrs in those games jetlife mentioned were in horde gy the whole game which allowed horde to pull off some sneaky shit and win the game with alliance being completely oblivious to it
my point is that u either cant read or didnt understand skeezins post.

like i said earlier which you failed to understand the first time, any fc that isnt retarded is going to be able to dodge the 4 warrs a lot easier than you can 4 ferals whether youre crossing mid or running kiting d in your base

not to mention the fact i stated that all 4 warrs in those games jetlife mentioned were in horde gy the whole game which allowed horde to pull off some sneaky shit and win the game with alliance being completely oblivious to it

I didn't say shit about the FC being able to squeeze past the 4 warriors or not, I didn't disagree with Skeezin's first or second point. Also I wasn't talking about how retarded the warriors may or may not be. My statement was that assuming these warriors reach the FC, i.e. in the base, not chasing down mid, that an FC could not survive the damage from 4 warriors. It seems to me that it's you that cannot understand the text infront of you on the screen and seem to think my statement was about the whole original post.
ur question was "what fc can live 4 warriors", the answer is every druid by running away from them. stop making moronic points that assume that the fc sits there and lets 4 warriors bash his face in

Why can the druid not run from ferals that they can warriors? Unless your implying these ferals open in the exact frame of course. And why are you assuming that the FC is a druid?
Playing a warrior myself. Warriors go a lot slower than Druids. 9 times out of 10 the EFC is a druid. Any competent FC can kite 4 warriors around their base since they waddle around and can be easily avoided. You can barely live 1 feral at no stacks. How are you going to live 4.
Playing a warrior myself. Warriors go a lot slower than Druids. 9 times out of 10 the EFC is a druid. Any competent FC can kite 4 warriors around their base since they waddle around and can be easily avoided. You can barely live 1 feral at no stacks. How are you going to live 4.

Not saying you can outlive a feral, saying you cant outlive 4 warriors.

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