New to 19's

So, I've taken a recent interest in 19's. Which side is in more need of players, what classes are needed, and what server should I roll depending on faction?

I'm wanting to heal, most likely Disci Priest or Resto Shammy have been crossing my mind a lot. What would be the most stable healer at this bracket and brings the most to the table for overall utility?
Make a Disc Priest.
Unless you're up against an insurmountable gear mismatch or a Waw Tawent (WT: pizza's/the best guild) premade, a single healer can make or break the game. Right now I'd say disc priest is best for group healing; I haven't looked at 19 MoP changes, however.

As for faction, both vary widely in their PuG strengths. Horde have the edge with WT but ive dominated and been dominated on both factions. I recently faction changed to alliance just to pick up my ello's and ive decided to stay as it's fun playing against the top players/premades (at least as a rogue...).
healer would be the most ideal and you would probably want to play alliance since horde pretty much dominates the bracket atm

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