Hey there! If anything happens PVE wise, I'll be the one letting you know.
I've hosted several 10 raid/pve events in the past ranging from Foam Sword Rack Free For All competitions, to the world first Fel Reaver kill.
There isnt much to do right now for high lvl content as hit rating took a massive truck to the face.
I see that you are on US, if you ever want to make an alliance toon you should hop over to Bleeding Hollow, our guild would be more than glad to have you on board. We run BG grps so you'd be able to get your Rare crate gear from the win boxes!
Apart from Bgs, you can world PvP vs ~20-30s to make for some really challenging fights. On Horde I'd suggest travelling to Redridge. If on Alliance, I would go down to the Ashenvale-Barrens border and gank on some of the questers.
@Prooney stated, fishing is a big part of twinking in general. Gets you some pretty nifty rewards too (See STV fishing guide in sig)!
You can try and solo dungeons as well, or solo 25 elites.
If you put some time and effort into your 10, it's potential will skyrocket. You won't get these secondary stats on any other level.
And lastly, welcome to the bracket!!