New Rogue Twink

So I'm working on making my first twink right now. I have done a couple WSG battles with a semi twinked 19 Hunter when I was leveling him and a couple on my 17 Druid I am currently leveling and I loved them so I decided to make a real twink. I'm starting with a rogue because my main is a rogue so I figure I already know the ropes and I don't necessarily want to dive into a class like a druid or pally (and soon shammy) that will be a good FC.

Anyways, I have read a lot of stuff and I have pretty well planned out all the gear I am going to need but so far my only question is about weapon enchants. Seems that I have seen a fair amount of different ideas here so I wanted to get some opinions on the matter.

At this point I was planning on putting +15 Agil on both my Mainhand and OH sword simply for the extra crit and all that good stuff. I really like how rogues can pop out of the shadows and burn you down quick so at this point I am going mostly for power and less for survivability with Lifestealing and Crusader (maybe this will be a mistake in the end). For the most part I am pretty certain this is the best choice, though there is a thread here which seems to say Fiery is pretty nice too.

The one I am most uncertain about is what to put on my Ambushing Dagger. I got the Buzzer Blade today and I am going to try to get the Tail Spike too, not sure if the 6 more top end damage and 4str 3agi or the 5 crit rating will be better if used only for ambushing people, so maybe if you have opinions on that too that would be good? But I am wondering if I should go with 15 agil for the added crit or the +5 (or whatever the highest is) weapon damage to make Ambushes a little bigger? Or maybe even Fiery would be good to occasionally add some extra oomph.

Anyways, if you have any thoughts on weapon enchants for a 19 rogue, especially for my Ambushing Dagger, then that would be great! (Sorry this turned into kind of a novel, I have a tendency to do that....)
i use 15agi tailspike for ambush switch. my rogue is twinkordie in my sig. i think gear is perfect except for trinkets and helm. i run minor accuracy 100% of the time so i am hit caped. 15agi is useless on mainhand, in my rogues current setup im sitting at 27% crit anyway and will get 2% more when i finish skinning after 3.2 hits. lifesteal in my experience is hands down the best mainhand enchant and ive had them all a few times. use either tailspike or assassins blade for ambush nothing else imo.
TwinkorDie said:
i use 15agi tailspike for ambush switch. my rogue is twinkordie in my sig. i think gear is perfect except for trinkets and helm. i run minor accuracy 100% of the time so i am hit caped. 15agi is useless on mainhand, in my rogues current setup im sitting at 27% crit anyway and will get 2% more when i finish skinning after 3.2 hits. lifesteal in my experience is hands down the best mainhand enchant and ive had them all a few times. use either tailspike or assassins blade for ambush nothing else imo.

Sounds good, 27% crit with only one 15agi seems like more than enough lol. And I'm sure the added health and damage from litestealing would be nice too, thanks for the reply :)

P.S. Your gear all looks great too so I'll probably shoot for something along those lines lol
Tailspike is a nice cost-effective weapon for ambushes, surpassed only by Assasin's Blade.

You should, however, be using +5 weapon damage for yourambush weapon, and stacking attack power, not crit, when opening.

When you open on a target from stealth,your goal is to boost your dps above what just running in and SSing would give you.

When you open with ambush, its much better to have a lower chance to crit for more damage than a higher chance to crit for less. Heres why:

In 'reality', the only toons you will be ambushing are priests and toons who have sat down. In the case of the former, a large ambush crit will pressure them to use a cast-heal, which you can then kick. Anything less and they get into kiting modes, and it takes considerably longer for you to take them down. In the latter case, a sitting toon has 100% chance to be crit, so the only thing that matters is weapon damage (and hence AP).

Any other situation (other than burst targets and sitting toons) you will want to open with garrote.

General acceptance is that dual fiery is the best DPS setup atm, however, even in premades,my weapon setup of choice is LS/15 agi on SF/CB. Easing your healers, or being able to hold your own against a hunter's LoS'd pet (>.<) is far more valuable to me than a tiny bit of extra dps.

+15 agil is my offhand weapon enchant of choice; white attacks have a base 24% miss rate, and no instants use the offhand weapon, so fierys proc rate in the OH is substantially lower than in a MH weapon. +15 agi adds ap and crit to BOTH weapons, increasing SS dmg, and provides defensive capability through dodge and armor.

Finally, I prefer CB as and offhand over Thiefs, esp. in preforms, because of the slow speed. When being constantly kited (and you will be) the slower speed helps, 'cause when I get in melee range for a quick SS (before the ****ing mage novas again) my offhand will hit a little harder in the one swing Im in range for :D

My thoughts and experiences. Its late, I tend to ramble when exhausted. Hope I helped!
ive dabbled with dual weild spec and cruel barb offhand and i loved it. but that was when i was using dual 15agi cruel barbs before i got shadowfang. my current talent setup goes better with sf/thief's but i do plan to try 15agi offhand barb with a spec like 3/5malice 2/2imp ss and 5/5dual weild spec. i absolutly love my current talent setup because i can gouge and bandage to full to piss people off.
Cool, thanks for all the tips. The +5 weapon damage definitely makes sense for my ambushing dagger because I suppose hitting harder all the time and harder when I do crit is definitely better than just critting more often for less. I'm heading to LBRS on my main right now to farm the recipe! (Then I'll have the patterns for all the twink enchants I need! (Except that +15agi to gloves, that's gonna be a bit harder)

One question though, darzk mentioned something about 100% crit chance on people sitting? Is this just a game mechanic I didn't know about? You are guaranteed to crit someone sitting down? That would be good to know!

Thanks again!

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