New PVP spec for warriors?


Sooo ive been wondering what the best pvp spec is now for twink 70 warriors.. Tried out fury, has rage issues. Tried out arms, MS sucks and bladestorm is just a laugh now. So which conqueors now?
Prot as always? :p

I havent tried out the new talents on live yet so i have no clue but ill be sticking to prot for sure.
Well if I could get into a BG I'd test my fury and prot specs.... So far on the dummies I'm down 50% on dps. I've removed all my Block Value items and just using PvE gear like my fury set, cept for 1h/shield combo. Not regemmed yet. 39% crit (up from 27%) but only 2000 AP (down from ~3100). But my usual 2-3k special attacks are 1k and crits for less than <3k. Before patch my slams were 4k to 9k. I got one 6k slam out of a long run of poor crits. This and no benefit to being TBC capped is making me srsly question my subscription. But i'll wait until I get into a BG.

Why prot though? the Survivability?

Because of the CC and mobility. Having two charges on difference cooldowns - awesome. And so many stuns and interrupts. Way more flexible than fury or arms. Oh, and spamming spell reflect. Never laughed so hard as when i relfected Death Grip...

BTW, RatingBuster is still 6 months old, on Does it still work in 4.0.1? Or what are people using?
Prot because of the stupidly high burst, control and survivabillity. They took away intervene though, qq :( I lost about 800 AP as prot pvp :( I think i'll be going full fury / arms pve gear as prot from now on, resilllience isn't needed now that 1 healer can outheal everything :)
Each time you enter a bg as prot a mexican jumps the boarder.

Dont do it guys D:
Havent tried PVP'ing as prot.. but ive been doing fury and ive gotta say its not that bad, other than the casual 'misses' and rage buildup difficulties.. other than that i can dish out a pretty decent amount of dmg in such short time.

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