New Patch Bugged Mounted Swimming - Use Before It's Fixed


When you're mounted and swimming, jumping out of the water will return you to non-swimming speed as soon as you leave the water. Previously you stayed at swimming speed until you hit land, but not anymore.

So basically just hold the spacebar while you're swimming across the surface of the water and you won't be slowed down.

The explore Vashj'ir achievement comes to mind as something you might want to go for... this will be handy for exploration in general though.

This'll be nice in the STV fishing comps if it isn't fixed before that!
They'll fix it because it gives players an advantage. Meanwhile some race/mount combinations can't get on top of the water if they have a water walking effect on them, because at certain scales the mount doesn't sit high enough in the water to get on top of it with the default jump height (you have to dismount, jump, then remount). Bet they won't be fixing that any time soon though.

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