New mount: Celestial Steed

are you saying you DONT like Labyrinth? cuz i have a place in my heart for that 8th grade art teacher was a crazy pot head who was obsessed with it and had posters and crazy self made 'props' from it. also i have no desire to faction change/xfer....not that 25$ is a large amount anyways. for a cool mount that goes to all current and future toons i think it was a decent impulse buy.

also like i said before its basically a cooler looking Invincible, and you dont have to kill arthas on heroic 25 AND then compete for a roll/use dkp.
First time I saw Pan's labyrinth the monster at the table scared the shit out of me, as I may as well be skitzo. I'm always paranoid 24/7. I don't know what it is with me and the paranormal but I'm just always freaked out paranormal shit will happen to me, my religion makes me cry.
stickymitten said:
Like my guildy said, that thing looks like a half-assed david bowie character from pan's labyrinth.

GG whoever spent money on it when you could have factioned/xferred rofl.

David Bowie wasn't involved in Pan's Labyrinth, you must be thinking of Labryinth. I really love that movie, it's what got me started with contact juggling (check out you tube for contact juggling, you won't be dissapointed)
McBankington said:
First time I saw Pan's labyrinth the monster at the table scared the shit out of me, as I may as well be skitzo. I'm always paranoid 24/7. I don't know what it is with me and the paranormal but I'm just always freaked out paranormal shit will happen to me, my religion makes me cry.

I find the paranormal very intriguing, especially ufo's and alternative history. I've seen 3 ufo's in my life, my first in 1996 was definatly ET's or highly advanced military craft. There were six of them that moved in formation at night and made no noise that my friend and I could hear. Ever listen to coast to coast? I tune in almost every night at work, great show.

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