New look on questing

try out this addon. Storyline - Quests & Leveling - World of Warcraft Addons - Curse gives you better perspective on questing.

So someone admitting to questing. . . though in the service of leveling of course . . . interesting. Now the next question. Any out of the way quests on horde or alliance side that are actually interesting and fun to do. The main Redridge chain is one I have only done twice . . . someday i'll do it again but i'm "saving it".

begins with:
Optional prequest: Hero's Call: Redridge or Hero's Call: Redridge
Then a long chain:
Still Assessing the Threat
Goes on and on then this is one
Bravo Company Field Kit: Camouflage - Quest - World of Warcraft
ends with
Triumphant Return - Quest - World of Warcraft

Any other's to add to the list????
It seems interested atleast. But my client dosnt do well with addons that modifies the game to much ;/

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