US New Here


Hello everyone :) I'm new to the site and wanted to see if tinking is still around. I used to play a 19 rogue back in the day but sadly no longer have that account. After finding this forum last night I decided to come back but as a Human warrior. I'm on the server Stormrage but thought about transferring to Bleeding Hollow seeing as I hear its where the tinks go.
Yeah man 19s is pretty active after 5-7 PM EST daily, there is also a lot of war games, alliance on BH could really use some more warriors, but there are tons of twinks on both sides.
Well other than needing a few items like the arena master and the belt, my warrior is good to go. Kinda got bored today. Plus having a spare 100k really helped. but once he has all the gear I can get him I'll for sure put an app in.
twinks are dying

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