new head and shoilder enchants (don't get your hopes up thought)

mmo champion posted the new rep shoilder and head enchants

Reputation Enchantments - Shoulders

* Inscription of Charged Lodestone - Permanently adds 30 Intellect and 20 haste rating to a shoulder slot item.

* Greater Inscription of Charged Lodestone - Permanently adds 50 Intellect and 25 haste rating to a shoulder slot item.

* Inscription of Jagged Stone - Permanently adds 30 Strength and 20 critical strike rating to a shoulder slot item.

* Greater Inscription of Jagged Stone - Permanently adds 50 Strength and 25 critical strike rating to a shoulder slot item.

* Inscription of Shattered Crystal - Permanently adds 30 Agility and 20 mastery rating to a shoulder slot item.

* Greater Inscription of Shattered Crystal - Permanently adds 50 Agility and 25 mastery rating to a shoulder slot item.

* Inscription of Shattered Crystal - Permanently adds 30 Agility and 20 mastery rating to a shoulder slot item.

* Inscription of Unbreakable Quartz - Permanently adds 45 Stamina and 20 dodge rating to a shoulder slot item.

* Greater Inscription of Unbreakable Quartz - Permanently adds 75 Stamina and 25 dodge rating to a shoulder slot item.

Reputation Enchantments - Head

* Cataclysm Reputation Earthern Ring Revered Tank Enchant - Permanently adds 90 Stamina and 35 dodge rating to a head slot item.

* Cataclysm Reputation Guardian of Hyjal Revered Caster Enchant - Permanently adds 60 Intellect and 35 critical strike rating to a head slot item.

* Cataclysm Reputation Dragonmaw/Wildhammer Revered Strength Enchant - Permanently adds 60 Strength and 35 mastery strike rating to a head slot item.

* Cataclysm Reputation Ramkahen Revered Agility Enchant - Permanently adds 60 Agility and 35 haste rating to a head slot item.

however if you look at the spells them selfs you will see they have no level requiment..... here we go again >.< with another 3.0 patch.


hopefully we can get the stamina enchants even thought the dodge would fuck meelé over would hopefully stop people getting 3-4 shotted.
They will add a lv requirement on them ofc

No need to panic

Just more drama which isn't needed
Well the spiteful 3.1 nerf cost Blizzard subscribers. We know Blizzard will to anything to hold on to as much subscribers as possible so they might put back in new enchants to replace those they wrongfully took away.
Well the spiteful 3.1 nerf cost Blizzard subscribers. We know Blizzard will to anything to hold on to as much subscribers as possible so they might put back in new enchants to replace those they wrongfully took away.

No, they won't. Those would be beyond ridiculous.

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