New Gy too close to arena?

there is now a GY to the left of the ramp leading into arena,is it too close,imo yes,yesterday my friends rogue&hunter had to fight off 5 80s some 70s,I had been killed so much on my twink rez timer was up,Well in the long run the chest despawned :mad::mad::mad::mad: my first thought was yea it is nice this roxxz!But what are you going to do when there is a large amount and the fighting is almost nonstop
Meshell said:
... And now in English, please

he's trying to get AGM and there are large scale battles in which people keep ressurecting quickly due to a graveyard that was implemented recently.

it makes it difficult to loot the chest.
At first I thought it sucked (I have mine, but have been on on and off every 3 hours to help him get his) But I think it was a good move on blizzard part for the pvp aspect. Personally I found it to be a lot more fun fighting over the chest and I'm not quite as disappointed if i lose it.
it is much harder now to get it on a twink

Before I was able to solo get it by first logg on my main and kill every1 then logg on my twink and get it this will prob. not be as easy
yea.. i noticed that on PTR and was surprised no one mentioned anything about it.
another attempt at making life harder for twinks i guess !

makes it even harder to get, i like competition, but on my server rivendare there is like two gang there at all times... may it be 3,6,9,12,15,18,21 or 24 hours. its quite hard to get it on my server, this is why i might never be able to get more then my 7 trinkets i have for it.

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