New guild name

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Lawlpurge said:
Lmfao clearly you've never been on when I explained how much I hate your guild. I might be nice to a fee people from it, but I have no respect for the guild in general. Also I tell Curley to stfu on a near five minute basis.

Why would you say you're xferring then
Phoetidtwo said:
Why would you say you're xferring then

You were probably the last resort, Endless Faces fell apart and they left a lot of people guildless, Lawlpurge is my friend and I respect him as a good player. You should be proud if he was to be in your guild.

He probably said he was going to xfer was because of this.
Johneffer said:
You were probably the last resort, Endless Faces fell apart and they left a lot of people guildless, Lawlpurge is my friend and I respect him as a good player. You should be proud if he was to be in your guild.

He probably said he was going to xfer was because of this.

Nah i do want him in the guild, im just a little lost
Phoetidtwo said:
Why would you say you're xferring then

lmfao, I NEVER said that. Idk who said that, but I never said that. I know all u guys need is a good ele sham to fill out your team, but I'm not going there.

@Riv, I was on BH, that's why John facepalmed. I did a free xfer off to Azgalor to play with Meshounah, because Pizza did a lot of fucking douche bag stuff, caused me to waste a lot of irl money, and never let me in the guild. I'm now Ally, playing in Meat Puppet, but I'd be willing to go anywhere else, I'd love to play with you again.
Lawlpurge said:
lmfao, I NEVER said that. Idk who said that, but I never said that. I know all u guys need is a good ele sham to fill out your team, but I'm not going there.

@Riv, I was on BH, that's why John facepalmed. I did a free xfer off to Azgalor to play with Meshounah, because Pizza did a lot of fucking douche bag stuff, caused me to waste a lot of irl money, and never let me in the guild. I'm now Ally, playing in Meat Puppet, but I'd be willing to go anywhere else, I'd love to play with you again.

Lol you said you would on vent like last week.
Lawlpurge said:
@Riv, I was on BH, that's why John facepalmed. I did a free xfer off to Azgalor to play with Meshounah, because Pizza did a lot of fucking douche bag stuff, caused me to waste a lot of irl money, and never let me in the guild. I'm now Ally, playing in Meat Puppet, but I'd be willing to go anywhere else, I'd love to play with you again.

Well fine then, only other place I have 19s is shattered hand and thats kinda dead atm :(
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