new druid

Kore nametooshort said:
I would disagree with some of it. You cannot be truely offensive without spidersilk drape, and you seem to have thrown away alot of stats for minimal SP gain. Also i dont really like your spec.

Its a good druid, but i just dont agree with some aspects of it.

Like i was mentioning before thats my FC spec. for FC gear. Not casting. Plus acc is cancelled so i cant change gear. I personally like the spirit boost. ITs a personal choice because some like the hit rating some like some extra sp/mana regeneration. What am i sacrificing stats for sp? WHere? name it.

IF its the staff, i told you i have another one that is BoA with +30 sp.

Please explain
if you were to use 150 hp on chest aand mindthrusts you would get 4 more stam, 1 int for loss of 4sp. Also i dont really like going for inferno and 15 sp on bracers indiscriminately, sure theyre good, but its overkill on SP imo.

You seem to like spirit, so maybe you take that into consideration, i havent really liked spirit since it was nerfed. I just dont find its benefit enough to change my gearing and playstyle to compensate.

I didnt realise it was an FC spec, sry :)

Edit: maybe i was overstating the exchnage on your drood, its not really "lots" of stats for "minimal" sp, but conclusions still the same to me.
Yes i know what your talking about, i have tested mindthrust+7 int and inferno+mana/hp/mp5 but the most current setup i liked was the one i was equping. I havent played in a while yes and if i was playing i would proabably use my mindthrust bracers. Yes. Stats are important but not if your moonfires are ticking for 30's. and hots for nothing. SP is a very good stat imo. Its the base around all casters. Everyone needs some but not overkill like you said. Crystaline cuffs are dead stats olny for 4 sp correct.
nobody said:
Yes i know what your talking about, i have tested mindthrust+7 int and inferno+mana/hp/mp5 but the most current setup i liked was the one i was equping. I havent played in a while yes and if i was playing i would proabably use my mindthrust bracers. Yes. Stats are important but not if your moonfires are ticking for 30's. and hots for nothing. SP is a very good stat imo. Its the base around all casters. Everyone needs some but not overkill like you said. Crystaline cuffs are dead stats olny for 4 sp correct.

Well ofc sp is important, but only up to a point imo. anything above 70 sp can be effective. Going for 130 sp looks nice, but your ticks dont really need to be 30 higher, i would rather have more mana and top up with regrowth. I generally rock about 100 sp but have no problems with gearing for a little less. Each to his own i spose ;)

Also: Ew 7 int on bracers, gogog 5mp5!
i got a 5mp5 on a crystaline because they have a lil stam and spirit along with that SP.

A mp5 set is nice but not to viable imo, if u find a viable one tell me please ild be glad to look at it =D
well mp5 bracers, WSG ring, BoA mace, WSG staff (30SP chant) and mp5 to inferno are all viable imo. As long as your mana pool is reasonable, >1.5k, you will do well imo. The idea isnt just to stack mp5 but to use it with other stats, i just consider it another option for getting mana into a set, and i like it since you can get high amounts of it compared to other stats and it easy to keep a fight lasting fairly long on a druid anyway.

Quick chardev: character planner . kore-19. chardev seven WTF never oom set, 1.9k mana and 12mp5. 1.3k hp and 70 sp. No BoAs

You might not like the lack of SP, but i find it adequate ;) and when you're under pressure you can switch to seers with 30sp. Start with TCS 22int ofc ;)
Well overdoing Mp5 and sacreficing Spp, is stupid. Find the balance. To much of the other stat completely destroy the other... yeeh...

Inferno and 15 Sp enchant on bracers works just fine yo! Nothing wrong with it :)
Bragh said:
Well overdoing Mp5 and sacreficing Spp, is stupid. Find the balance. To much of the other stat completely destroy the other... yeeh...

Inferno and 15 Sp enchant on bracers works just fine yo! Nothing wrong with it :)

THANK YOU, lol. if i get 7mp5 to chest ill have the perfect balance, but because im not playing at ALL atm, wont happen.

Discussino over xD
I wasnt saying that SP is useless lol, but i usually find mana the limiting factor in fights, and 70 SP is enough to keep your rejuvs ticking for about 60 and if you need more you can easily boost SP to 90 with seers and wizard oil.

OFC im not saying 15sp and inferno are useless, maybe im just alittle bit biased towards mana ;)

Edit: Im not suggesting this is the only viable set ofc, but i like it and find it vaible.
Kore nametooshort said:
I wasnt saying that SP is useless lol, but i usually find mana the limiting factor in fights, and 70 SP is enough to keep your rejuvs ticking for about 60 and if you need more you can easily boost SP to 90 with seers and wizard oil.

OFC im not saying 15sp and inferno are useless, maybe im just alittle bit biased towards mana ;)

Edit: Im not suggesting this is the only viable set ofc, but i like it and find it vaible.

What ever floats your boat and makes you happy! Is the right set for you! IMO! :)
Kore nametooshort said:
I like stacking spirit and a lil strength so when i oom i can go bear form and tear face till i have full mana again!

Thats the duel style brah! Miss my Defias chest :p
okay this set is for healing:

character planner . chardev seven

suggestions/ changes PLEASE

this is for FC'ing

character planner . chardev seven

it stopped working all of a sudden, so the bandit bracers of stamina is what i chose, and scouting gloves of the eagle, so 8 stam and 4 more int. for 1h wep i got night watch with 22 int on it and the medicine pouch on offhand.

this is 22 more stam and 26 more int, bringing stat total to 1863 health and 1209 mana.
mickyhaynes said:
okay this set is for healing:

character planner . chardev seven

suggestions/ changes PLEASE

this is for FC'ing

character planner . chardev seven

it stopped working all of a sudden, so the bandit bracers of stamina is what i chose, and scouting gloves of the eagle, so 8 stam and 4 more int. for 1h wep i got night watch with 22 int on it and the medicine pouch on offhand.

this is 22 more stam and 26 more int, bringing stat total to 1863 health and 1209 mana.

Both links do not work.
damn i will try again soon but its basically like this





SSD (5 all resist)

TBJ (100health)

MTB (15sp)

MFG (16sp)



SSB(minor speed)

pvp ring

seal of wrynn



2H: TWC (22int)

for fc




MC (70 armor)

TLA (100 health)

bandit bracers of stamina = 4 stam (9 stam)

scouting gloves of eagle = 4/4 stam and int (15 agil or 16 sp???)



FotF (7stam)


seal of wrynn



MH: NWSS (22int)

OH: med pouch
Healing set looks fine, although i would recommend goldflecked gloves instead of magefist. If you do want more stam on your gloves i tend to prefer 4/4 eagles.

For the FC set i'd advise using WSG neck and sentry cape. 15 agi on gloves since you shouldnt be healing anyway. I assume you have no access to 5 stam wranglers? then you should use scouting bracers, they have slightly more armour ;)

I prefer a resistance enchant on my FC cape because we can produce lots of armour when we need it with bear form, and fears tend to mess us up royally if we're not careful, same applies to dual AGM, insig is better, although feel free to use dual agm when its on CD or if you have a V good shaman running with you.

Droods cant use NWSS, best ally can get without BoAs is facesmasher.
no i dont have 5stam bracers, my realm's AH is jackshit and people think that twinks still exist on rampage so they sell shit for like 500g in that lvl.

thanks for the tips. so what res chant should i get on sentry cloak? or 5 all res?

also what stats are on facesmasher? and are there any other 1h weps worth getting?
facesmasher is 3stam 3str, not perfect by any means, but its the best non BoA non Horde FCing MH out there.

There arent any other non-BoA onehands worth getting tbh, evocator's blade + furby pouch just doesnt stand up against TCS as int weps and the 1h arent as good as staves for SP weps. I occasionally find use for a 20 spirit [item]Evocator's Blade[/item] for use with [Item]Veildust Medicine Bag[/item] but only really once per WSG, when i use the OH's on use.

For FCing i like to use 15 NR. +5 res or +10 SR are both are fine imo, 10 SR helps just that little bit more vs locks' and priests' fears and dps whereas +5 res helps with shammy dps and mage frost bolts a wee bit. However 15 NR has a large effect on those pesky purges removing your hots and buffs. Its a judgement call imo so find one that suits you best.

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