new druid

im in the process of making a new druid and had some questions.

should i go with TBJ or inferno? and what enchants?

bracers? and the enchant?

for my FC set:

what enchant on footpads of the fang?

TWC/blessed seer and what enchant?

thanks in advance.
id prob say inferno but idk never rolled druid bracers the rfc cloth ones for healing and a pair of 3/3 eagles or 5stams for fcing boots get 2 pairs 1 with minor speed and 1 with 7stam for debuff and stuff and finally get both TCS and blessed seer also a friar 22 int on tcs 30sp on seer 20 spirit on friar and swtich them out tcs till uve used 330 mana then change to 30sp and when oom use 20 spirit staff thats prety mcuh it
mickyhaynes said:
im in the process of making a new druid and had some questions.

should i go with TBJ or inferno? and what enchants?

bracers? and the enchant?

for my FC set:

what enchant on footpads of the fang?

TWC/blessed seer and what enchant?

thanks in advance.

I have not been on WoW or twinked in months but if I remember correctly TBJ is used when you value stats (pug healing, arena) and Inferno is for big heals and mana regen (premades, wave offenses). Enchants are 4 stats on TBJ or 100 hp if you really need the health. 150 hp (if you really need the health) or 6mp5 (really what you should use) goes on the inferno robe.

Bracers are 3/3 eagles leather bracers with 15 sp or 9 stam (15 sp preferred) or crystalline cuffs with the same enchants. Feel free to add int to a pair of bracers if you want. 5 stam wrangler bracers for FC set.

minor speed goes on the footpads. the 7 stam boots or whatever from SFK gets a stam enchant and is used when debuff hits or when you are in base.

What a lot of people dont realize is that you are supposed to enchant and gem in order to make up stats that you need. There is no set definition. Some people do better with throughput, some do better with more intellect, some do better with regen and some do better with survivability.
mickyhaynes said:
im in the process of making a new druid and had some questions.

should i go with TBJ or inferno? and what enchants?

bracers? and the enchant?

for my FC set:

what enchant on footpads of the fang?

TWC/blessed seer and what enchant?

thanks in advance.

If you can get both TBJ and Inferno and get +4stats on Tbj and take your pick on Inferno, its down to how you will play. If you will play offensively you might want to consider the Hp buff or if you can keep a distance mana regen/mana might be the best option. Inferno robe is best overall. 19sp is hard to come by in this bracket so you will use it most of the time, not however when you are Fcing or if you chose, when you are in sp/int gear, however it is likely still more viable to use Inferno than Tbj... im Alliance so i have never really thought about this.

For bracers you may want to consider Wranger's of the eagle 3/3. Or Mindthrust as the intellect is helpful for healing, also Crystalline Cuffs are a nice set for healing. For Fcing you will want Wranger's of Stamina (+5 but this is rare so get what ever you can) get +15sp on all of these except mindthrust as many druids inc myself use +intellect on these to get the maximum benefit

In relation to your Fc set get 2 pairs of Fang boots 1 with movment speed and a second with +7stam (for when the wsg debuff comes)

Get both Twisted Chanters Staff and Staff of the Blessed seer. with 22int and 30sp respectively. You will also want to get Dawnblade and the Furbolg Medicine pouch for Fcing, you will want +22int on Dawnblade to aid Fcing (shapeshifting). You may also want to consider a regen staff, such as Staff of the friar. Mana is a trouble for druids so being able to regen when you can is helpful.
you should almost always put 100hp/150hp on your chest imo. There are generally better slots where you can pick up more intellect for a lesser sacrifice of stam.

Both inferno and TBJ are fine, it just depends on what you're aiming for with your itemisation and your prefered levels of int and sp.

Best bracers are 3/3 eagle wranglers, but these are rare so consider mindthrust(a lovely place to pick up int) and crystalline cuffs. The best chants for healing are either 15 sp or 5mp5. stam is easy enough to pick up elsewhere so its not generally used for healing sets. 5mp5>7int for bracer enchants.

When FCing i generally prefer to use 7 stam all the time, but some like to switch boots when inside, but i dont find it necessary. Get two pairs anyway tho with both minor speed and 7stam.

22int on TCS, 30sp on seers, 20 spirit on friars, and i like 25 agi on WSG staff.
I always pick, +4 stats. For the healing set, cause really what will 60 hp help u, 60 mana and 4 spirit will heal u for more than 60 hp all in all.
Bragh said:
I always pick, +4 stats. For the healing set, cause really what will 60 hp help u, 60 mana and 4 spirit will heal u for more than 60 hp all in all.

spirits lame, and its not 60 mana vs 60 hp, its 4int vs 6 stam. If you dont have wranglers you can swap out 5 stam on crystalline for 7 int on mindthrusts. 5/7 is a nicer ratio than 4/6, just. there are times when its preferable to have 4stats such as when you have shed loads of hp with agm and fishy hat but tbh i generally find that mana can be found for nicer ratios elsewhere.
Kore nametooshort said:
spirits lame, and its not 60 mana vs 60 hp, its 4int vs 6 stam. If you dont have wranglers you can swap out 5 stam on crystalline for 7 int on mindthrusts. 5/7 is a nicer ratio than 4/6, just. there are times when its preferable to have 4stats such as when you have shed loads of hp with agm and fishy hat but tbh i generally find that mana can be found for nicer ratios elsewhere.

4 int = 60 mana.

6 stam is 60 hp (in caster)
Bragh said:
4 int = 60 mana.

6 stam is 60 hp (in caster)

yeah, but in other slots the ratios are much nicer, 5stam = 50 hp, 7 int = 105 mana. Sure if you're struggling to get mana on your chardev or w/e throw in a 4 stats, im not denying that its a good enchant, but only after youve exhausted better avenues of getting mana.

Edit: even switching perfect wranglers to mindthrust is better than 100hp to 4 stats imo since 80hp->90 mana = profit

Fakeedit: Spirits crap :) i dont mind picking it up on items like DWB but i wouldnt go out of my way for it, its similar to gearing in agi on a FC set imo.

Edit2: Unless you're completely geared out in agm and fishy hat and the like its difficult to justify sacrificing too much hp for mana.
Regarding sp wep, you might like to consider using WSG staff. Since you are a healer the stam is easily regainable for you and 4 mp5 is hawt. Its more of a stat stick staff, so i like to use it for when im just throwing the odd rejuv out and switch to a seers with 30 sp when i need to throw some more serious heals.
Okay thanks guys this really good. I am def getting hat agm and med pouch, but I decided to go ally instead. So no more inferno. Or dawnblade. I don't really know how to work that chardev thing so here are some of my decisions:

For healing: TBJ with 4 stats always on, cryst cuffs 15 sp, TCS with 22 int.

For fc: TLA with 100 health, (final question: illidan AH is absolute shit and 5 stam bracers don't exist. Should I go with 3/3 eagle or 4 stam?) two FotF with diff chants for whenever the oppurtunity presents itself. Will try and get a chardev up here soon.

Thanks everyone
mickyhaynes said:
Okay thanks guys this really good. I am def getting hat agm and med pouch, but I decided to go ally instead. So no more inferno. Or dawnblade. I don't really know how to work that chardev thing so here are some of my decisions:

For healing: TBJ with 4 stats always on, cryst cuffs 15 sp, TCS with 22 int.

For fc: TLA with 100 health, (final question: illidan AH is absolute shit and 5 stam bracers don't exist. Should I go with 3/3 eagle or 4 stam?) two FotF with diff chants for whenever the oppurtunity presents itself. Will try and get a chardev up here soon.

Thanks everyone

Your FC ideas look fine, but for healing i'd advise you go 100hp on TBJ and 15 sp on mindthrust bracers, you'll end up with 1 more stam, 3 more int for a sacrifice of 4sp. Imo 4stats > 4sp anyday.

GL finding 3/3 eagle bracers ;) they're just as hard to find as 5 stams. 4 stams are fine for FCing.
ive played the 19 bracket for years, about a year and a half on my druid, i know my class/role very well in premades and arena's. IMO i stack sp/int. stam isnt that inportant with 2 agm/hat/max herb and mining.

This is my main casting set for generall. I havent played in months so i cant really name "All" of my offsets but when i use up the 300ish mana on my TWC i switch to boa+30 sp then once im oom i jump into bear and use my staff of the friar+20 spirit. I am a fairly skilled druid considering i havent played lately. You should beable to 1v1 just about anything besides a hunter/shaman.

Also i kinda have a int set, u can get up to 2k mana with it but you loose alot of sp, sp is vital for any caster druid because of hot and dot ticks. Any amount of sp is worth it. I personally choose sp>stats because if your good geared you have very good mana/hp

ALways keep hots up and always keep instant cast root up, Use nomal roots to keep people away. You always want a free life saving escape. If your tauren, save WS for a regrowth or root. Bear bash is the same, try to conserve mana if possible cause you can go oom pretty fast as a druid.

ATM my spec is off cause its set for FCin. I didnt respec b4 i cancelled account.

Heres my armory link. i would personally go into 5/5 genesis and 3/3 moonglow then rest into w/e you feel comfortable with. I personally use glyph of moonfire for arena's/1v1's because its a heavy 80 ish damage per 3 secconds. Its mainly for mana purposes.

And as a druid dont let anyone get a good distance to you while healing. Kicks are a bitch. Try not to let them dispell your hots. And for the love of god use travel form to run and Dont let mages cc you.

sorry for bad grammar. Kinda tired.


Ill add a wall of flag carrying gear if you want but its pretty basic knowlage to know your stam gear =) my pic is my fc set. Bis every peice to the core even a sexy purple tabard xD
nobody said:
ive played the 19 bracket for years, about a year and a half on my druid, i know my class/role very well in premades and arena's. IMO i stack sp/int. stam isnt that inportant with 2 agm/hat/max herb and mining.

This is my main casting set for generall. I havent played in months so i cant really name "All" of my offsets but when i use up the 300ish mana on my TWC i switch to boa+30 sp then once im oom i jump into bear and use my staff of the friar+20 spirit. I am a fairly skilled druid considering i havent played lately. You should beable to 1v1 just about anything besides a hunter/shaman.

Also i kinda have a int set, u can get up to 2k mana with it but you loose alot of sp, sp is vital for any caster druid because of hot and dot ticks. Any amount of sp is worth it. I personally choose sp>stats because if your good geared you have very good mana/hp

ALways keep hots up and always keep instant cast root up, Use nomal roots to keep people away. You always want a free life saving escape. If your tauren, save WS for a regrowth or root. Bear bash is the same, try to conserve mana if possible cause you can go oom pretty fast as a druid.

ATM my spec is off cause its set for FCin. I didnt respec b4 i cancelled account.

Heres my armory link. i would personally go into 5/5 genesis and 3/3 moonglow then rest into w/e you feel comfortable with. I personally use glyph of moonfire for arena's/1v1's because its a heavy 80 ish damage per 3 secconds. Its mainly for mana purposes.

And as a druid dont let anyone get a good distance to you while healing. Kicks are a bitch. Try not to let them dispell your hots. And for the love of god use travel form to run and Dont let mages cc you.

sorry for bad grammar. Kinda tired.


Ill add a wall of flag carrying gear if you want but its pretty basic knowlage to know your stam gear =) my pic is my fc set. Bis every peice to the core even a sexy purple tabard xD

allot has changed, i ran same sets and stat'setup as him. now i found 7mp5 on inferno to be the best in slot ;)

writing from my wii lol.

anyways, mp5 is actually better than i ever expected.
Bragh said:
allot has changed, i ran same sets and stat'setup as him. now i found 7mp5 on inferno to be the best in slot ;)

writing from my wii lol.

anyways, mp5 is actually better than i ever expected.

May i ask why if you stack mp5, it is better? TBH, i had a mp5 offset of bracers/chest and rings. Not too great compared to mp5 u get from 6 spirit, u get 6 stam so you can stay alive, 6 int so you can cast more, 6 agi even for more armor/dodge when u backstrafe **HILAROUS to dodge a rogue lol**

In my experiance i find 6 stats more viable, just be smart with your mana and u dont need to give up viable stats for a couple more mana every seccond.

I agree with bragh. Mp5 is a very powerful stat, i generally value it at about 1mp5 = 2.4int.

Also sp tend to be alittle over stated imo. You can get by perfectly well with as little as 70 sp, ofc more helps, but you hots can cope with that little sp. More Sp does come in handy in situations with more pressure tho.
or just look at my link above? Pretty much perfect setup for a generally offensive/defensive arena druid, spec is great for flag carrying and cheap shifts. I can also have different chants because i got every possible set for my 19 druid. Mp5, Spirit, sp, int, stam. All are a very good variety and allow me to be more diverse in bg's/arena's.

nobody said:
or just look at my link above? Pretty much perfect setup for a generally offensive/defensive arena druid, spec is great for flag carrying and cheap shifts. I can also have different chants because i got every possible set for my 19 druid. Mp5, Spirit, sp, int, stam. All are a very good variety and allow me to be more diverse in bg's/arena's.


I would disagree with some of it. You cannot be truely offensive without spidersilk drape, and you seem to have thrown away alot of stats for minimal SP gain. Also i dont really like your spec.

Its a good druid, but i just dont agree with some aspects of it.

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