I love the 39 bracket, but its cus of the balance and the available abilities... thats gone now
Yesterday I heard a song on my mp3 that I used to pvp A LOT to, made me miss old 39 a lot. Shame really. Cant wait for a new wow to come out (blizz said they are working on a new mmo), all things wil be 100% new, wow is getn kinda old (ye, has nothing to do with the topic I know) QQ hehe
Yesterday I heard a song on my mp3 that I used to pvp A LOT to, made me miss old 39 a lot. Shame really. Cant wait for a new wow to come out (blizz said they are working on a new mmo), all things wil be 100% new, wow is getn kinda old (ye, has nothing to do with the topic I know) QQ hehe