New Class


Hey guys,

Im making a new class for pure dmg, already have a rogue and dont want a mage,

im looking for a nice faceroll class, i was thinking maybe a DK or a Ele/Enh Shammy, any thoughts/suggestions? would be greatly appreciated.

Ele shammy is pretty faceroll if geared. A lot of burst and solid self heals and quite a bit of defense though there are two very distinct possible play styles for ele now that you are forced to choose between with your glyphs. Enh shammy is meh.....not the best dps and is more of a support class. Dk's can be good....don't have one though.
i created a 1 hit macro on my mates frost dk, and tested it in arena, and facerolled a holy pally in about 20 seconds after starting the macro, i checked the pally one armory thinking he was surely undegeared, but he had close to 700 resil, rather proud of myself, this dk is ungemmed/chanted... so i was thinking a decent gemmed/chanted dk could take anything down

and then once again i have seen crazy ele shamans, and crazy enh shamans too.
i created a 1 hit macro on my mates frost dk, and tested it in arena, and facerolled a holy pally in about 20 seconds after starting the macro, i checked the pally one armory thinking he was surely undegeared, but he had close to 700 resil, rather proud of myself, this dk is ungemmed/chanted... so i was thinking a decent gemmed/chanted dk could take anything down

and then once again i have seen crazy ele shamans, and crazy enh shamans too.

Ummm.........epeen stroking much?
He came into the thread asking about finding a kind of faceroll class, other than mage or rogue, and he mentioned specifically DK's and Enh/Ele shamans.

You responded with "omg I can one shot ppl on my DK with no gear
!!!!!!!! DK's can kill everythang!"......."oh and Ele Shammies and Enh are bous as well"

The problems are:

1. DK's are good....but you are acting they they are a god class. Which they are not.

2. Enh shammies are not even close to faceroll, Which is what the OP is looking for. Enh can make a huge difference in a bg but they are not the type of class that gets noticed or gets high hk counts.

Pretty came off as you wanted to tell about how OP your DK is rather than answering the OP's question.
if ur goin 70 ele > dk 71 pritty even if your good with shears i would say enh sham but the big oblit crits are tempting
He came into the thread asking about finding a kind of faceroll class, other than mage or rogue, and he mentioned specifically DK's and Enh/Ele shamans.

You responded with "omg I can one shot ppl on my DK with no gear
!!!!!!!! DK's can kill everythang!"......."oh and Ele Shammies and Enh are bous as well"

The problems are:

1. DK's are good....but you are acting they they are a god class. Which they are not.

2. Enh shammies are not even close to faceroll, Which is what the OP is looking for. Enh can make a huge difference in a bg but they are not the type of class that gets noticed or gets high hk counts.

Pretty came off as you wanted to tell about how OP your DK is rather than answering the OP's question.

Not at all my intention, 1st of all i wasnt telling anyone how op my dk is, because i dont have a dk..and i was looking for opinions which i got, however i am most likely going to roll shammy as i have a spriest at 85 and cbf lvling one again, if you are actually interested.
Not at all my intention, 1st of all i wasnt telling anyone how op my dk is, because i dont have a dk..and i was looking for opinions which i got, however i am most likely going to roll shammy as i have a spriest at 85 and cbf lvling one again, if you are actually interested.

lolololol my bad. Didn't realize you made both posts since one seemed to be answering the other.

Still makes no sense....but sry.
Let's see the 1 shot macro I'll test it out I'll have to respec frost but if it's as good as you say its worth a shot
it wont work unless you face this hpala 700 resil who stood still or backpeddled doing 1 holy shock

i'm doing solid 3-4ks in my best Cds burst ( i dont use pvp trinket even , Horde) so i got 2 extra trinks ,
Let's see the 1 shot macro I'll test it out I'll have to respec frost but if it's as good as you say its worth a shot

i only use it for long arenas where theres a healer whos a pain in the ass to kill, it takes a while to setup, you need roughly 100 RP, diseases on your target and all runes off CD

/castsequence reset=25 Talisman of the tundra, Obliterate,Obliterate, Obliterate, blood tap, pillar of frost, ice strike, ice strike, ice strike

Talisman of the Tundra is just an AP trinket that i use atm, if you dont have this trinket leave it out of the macro

i know this trinket is far from the best in this bracket but im lvling JC'ing for the Statue trink that grants 400 AP on use.
i know its not really 1 hit.. but it does a lot of dmg in a short amount of time and if it doesnt kill your target they will definately be in some serious trouble.

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