New class ideas? :3

Well as I've been wandering around other games quite frequently lately (This thread being created mainly because of LoL/DotA/and HoN) I was wondering if anyone had any class ideas?
They don't need to be great, just something you threw around with a friend or played with in your head.

I always thought it would be cool to (either add it to rogues or have a new class) that could be like a spy and disguise themselves to look like another member of the enemy team, that was brought on by a week long period where I played nothing but Spy in Team Fortress 2 XD This is of course too closely related to rogues, and rogues are fine without adding skills like that so it would never happen, but it seemed like a fun concept to me.

Posting this because I was curious what the F2P bracket would think, as a lot of the people I've met in the F2P bracket like to push things, test new things, and be innovators, and I haven't seen as much of that in the other brackets I('ve) play(ed)
Anyone have one they would like to share?
A class that does damage, heals, and buffs, with music.
Nuff said.
That's a good one ^ w ^
I like it. :3
I once submitted an idea to bliz to make a caster class or spec that used illusion and deception tricks, but then GW2 came out.
If this was true, I'd see a lot more engineers and mesmers. Oh wait.
I was going to post about having Engineers but I didn't feel like ripping too much straight out of what Guild Wars has.
But yes, I will be buying GW2 ;3
A cleric , they use no weapons but , can use martial arts style attacks, heal better than paladins and play very defensivly. They can also use magical spells from a distance. Fire , Frost , Electrical, and Wind spells.
Puppet Master

Also, I'd expand on feral combat druids. Like hunters tame pets, I think it'd be cool if feral druids could form pacts with all different creatures to gain their transformation, but limiting the amount of pacts they can have at a time..
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The Oracle , this class is invulnerable though it cannot attack either , it has the ability to move around at 200% speed , it has a blink ability.
It can also stealth for short periods of time.

An Oracle has the ability to place big granite blocks on the field . Which act as terrain obstacles with set HP of lets say 2000 , these for example can be used to block tunnel entrances after FCer goes in and so on. (you can sculpt the shape of your granite blocks into anything you wish in between BGs :eek:)

An Oracle has 40 yard hook , which grips and pulls a friendly or enemy target to her , the hook can be used from anywhere (maybe go around corners) but any hostile unit hooked gains 30% damage boost and 30% speed boost for 5 seconds , after primary target is hooked any players caught in the hooks return path will also be dragged along but wont gain a buff if hostile.

Can turn a players appearance to that of the enemy faction for 30 seconds , the player in disguise will only show as hostile if targeted by its opposite faction.

Drops invisible mirror lines , the mirror line reflects anything along its length , players approaching the mirror line can see themselves and the reflected terrain, they will be able to target their reflection to make it all the more confusing.

An oracle can turn into any NPC,Mob,Critter model ingame though it will always be confined to the oracles model size .

When an oracle speaks she can be understood by both factions .

PS: Oracles can spawn a maximum of 50 polar bear cubs and bunnies (neutral mob type) anywhere she fancies.
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Ohh, the Oracle one sounds nice. I've imagined a landscaper / naturalist druid class being able to plant LoS trees and modify terrain with earthquakes, swamps, springs, etc. that have LoS, barrier, debuff or buff effects, sounds a bit similar, I like it.

Another thought was a demonic class, possibly of a possession type, e.g. able to attach themselves unseen to a friendly, enemy, hunter pet, companion pet, applying buffs or debuffs while undiscovered and able to use surprise attacks for a short time upon release of possession.

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