New character gearing challenges.


So I like making new toons, its a bit of an addiction ( on account number 3 btw for full toons) Recently I had an idea for a new challenge Essentially I want to make a series of characters but lock them to a single xpac and see how I fare.

I was just wondering how I should go about it, I want to randomize the character class and xpac so I don't just make the best pick for each xpac. Or should I do a poll for each xpac and what class should be stuck in it?

I will do a character for each xpac even bfa.


Edit- willing to make a few exceptions on proff related things such as eng and enchanting but no gear from other xpacs.

So here is what I am thinking

-Classic/cata: rogue
-TBC: hunter lol jk its actually monk
-Wotlk: mage
-Mop: Rogue
-Wod: Shaman
-Legion: Mage
-Bfa: warlock

Rogue twice because I like rogue idc fight me irl.
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Don't. That will be half the fun
my only concern is if I get a sp class and get vanilla xpac, I wont be able to get a sp enchant for weapon since they drop from mc. In that case I dont mind dipping into wotlk real quick to get those sp enchants.
i originally had a similar idea for my f2p druid, scrapped it and just geared it normally after i realized how awful WoD proc RNG is for dungeon gear. RIP socketless glass FC speed build...
my only concern is if I get a sp class and get vanilla xpac, I wont be able to get a sp enchant for weapon since they drop from mc. In that case I dont mind dipping into wotlk real quick to get those sp enchants.

In Chromie time, isn't Cata and Vanilla kinda the same, I think that should be the only exception
Yeah my only issue is some xpacs dont have armour enchants like wod and legion, they only have rings/neck. So I think its okay to make an exception for enchanting.
Sounds like fun. It would be a real challenge to work with even the profs from that X-Pac, but I admit some of the higher level X-Pacs will be a bummer for profs.
It will give you the ability to fully immerse and experience an X-Pac, rather than typical twink get in, get what you need and get out....... I know that didn't sound right, but you know what I mean.
If you get gear only from those dungeons, from the questing, I'd tip my hat to ya.
I think the real question is do I ban dungeons and only use quest gear?
I think the real question is do I ban dungeons and only use quest gear?
Depends, it would be a lot quicker without dungeons.
I'm sort of a bit of a sucker for the whole experience. If I'm questing in say Pandaria, I will switch Chromie to MoP so I can get the whole immersion thing. It's a pain always going backwards and forwards to Chromie, but that's just me.
I do like the idea of fully doing an X-Pac and that's all. Especially if you like making toons.
Sounds like a funny project and you'll get to experience the different expansions at the same time - like the good old days!

Are you planning on doing these expansions by only questing for gear, or are you planning on getting gear from both questing and dungeons?
Sounds like a funny project and you'll get to experience the different expansions at the same time - like the good old days!

Are you planning on doing these expansions by only questing for gear, or are you planning on getting gear from both questing and dungeons?

Dungeons and quests.
Nosockets toon please, I need some competition
I have some no socket toons already I just havent done bgs with them.

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