new bugged queues?


is anyone else having this problem?:

i queue for wsg and go about my business fishing and whatever. look at my minimap icon when it seems like it's been awhile, and it's gone! so i requeue thinking that i must have just not done it the first time, and 10 mins later the same thing happens. requeued again, and it disappeared 5 mins later.
Yea i got a Q that randomly dissapeared randomly also i got a bugged Q that let me Q for dungeon finder and not leave wsg Q. Lastly i got a WSG pop that didn't let me enter.
Yeah took me awhile to get a WSG pop without my buggy que.

But it was a game with 4 alliance vs 8 horde......
after about 30 min of try i yelled at my computer and instantly got a pop . it was me a rogue a resto shami and a priest vs 8 allies and we won :D

moral of the story when wow is mean . yell at your comp and straiten it out.
Much of the same. "Unavailable" all day long, despite being peak hours for games, as well as more "disappearing" queues than i care to count. Of the three queues I did get, two were accepted with no result. Very, very bored.
Random Heroics and Random Dungeons and RBGs all crashed at least once, sometimes more. Don't be surprised because now that we have merged realms, instability on one realm means a break in the queues. Experienced it MANY times at 85 sometimes not even allowing me to walk into the damn dungeon or missing pops in general.
There's so many new bugs... >.>
I forum whore between queues. Dual monitors and windows mode is a bad idea. Fuckin' reddit and twinkinfo.
my favorite bug so far this patch was getting out of a wsg and not being able to requeue (kept telling me i was not eligible), then running across org and going to jump over a ledge and being teleported (via loading screen) to the other side of town and ending up in the queue and getting a pop...

Im just glad Im not the only one with que time "Unavailable" I hope all these bugs get fixed soon :\

Not that Im looking forward to being GY farmed by a bunch of huntards, but I'd like to at least have the option open
parashimo said:
What can we do to speed up the process of getting bugs fixed?... Open tickets?

Yes, along with making forum post in the Bug Report forums.

I opened up a GM ticket and made a forum post every day for months straight until they fixed War Games for experience off players. Persistence pays off!

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